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We'd love to have the benchmark: Abandoned Checkouts/ Orders from Shopify. We are running a re-usable survey with partners...
A user would like to have the Date Range shown when he shares a benchmark of an individual metric.
Viko group would like to have the ability to White Label their benchmarks group. For example, instead of...
Add breaks, sections, or text to the metrics area on a benchmarks group.
Ability to put calculated metrics.
Customer would like to be able to compare performance on a more granular level. Sub Industry suggestions: - Modular Homes -...
User wants to be able to create a group from Google Sheets and API, which is not possible at the moment and this integration...
Creating or having Benchmark groups with publicly available data where local Gov. and/ or private groups have created. This...
User would like to have a Benchmarks for E-commerce + brick and mortar. The user did would not want to join benchmarks that...
User would like to have Benchmark Groups specific to a country or region.