Advanced Metric Builder

Emil (Databox)

DESCRIPTION: An upgraded version of the existing Metric Builder that will focus more on presenting data visually as opposed to selecting drop downs when building custom metrics. We'll also include the possibility of writing an SQL query to access data from popular sources like HubSpot, Shopify, Stripe, and many more.

USE CASE: Users will be able to visually preview a dataset with tables full of data and select individual columns as metrics, dimensions, dates - instead of choosing them through dropdown menus. This will simplify building metrics and preview the data before selecting it.

LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK! We might develop this feature in the future. We encourage you to upvote it if you find it valuable and leave a comment with feedback and insight into what objectives you feel this feature could help you with. Getting more feedback upfront will help us better align the feature with our users' needs.


Activity Newest / Oldest


Dan Ross

SQL query access to Shopify would be HUGE!


Emil (Databox)

Status changed to: Under review