Calculating raw data

Emil (Databox)

DESCRIPTION: Calculate different columns within the same table or with other tables that were already merged into the main table. Support conditions and statements.

USE CASE: Calculate conversion rates, ratios, combine data from multiple stores to measure overall performance.

LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!: We might develop this feature in the future. We encourage you to upvote it if you find it valuable and leave a comment with feedback and insight into what objectives you feel this feature could help you with. Getting more feedback upfront will help us better align the feature with our users' needs.

DISCLAIMER: The image mockup shared in this post is for illustrative purposes only and does not represent the final product. The final version of the product may differ from the mockup.


Activity Newest / Oldest


Emil (Databox)

Status changed to: Under review


Emil (Databox)

Status changed to: Planned