Drill down to row-level data from Databoards / Charts

Emil (Databox)

DESCRIPTION: Have the ability to click into Metrics while viewing them on a Databoard and break them down into row-level data to gain visibility into what influenced the data of this Metric.

USE CASE: A manager is looking at the forecasted deals by sales rep and wants to drill deeper into the data to see deal names, deal amounts, and other deal properties. With this feature, they’d be able to drill deeper by clicking into a Metric on the Databoard. This would enable managers to have relevant conversations right then and there as they review data.

LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!: We might develop this feature in the future. We encourage you to upvote it if you find it valuable and leave a comment with feedback and insight into what objectives you feel this feature could help you with. Getting more feedback upfront will help us better align the feature with our users' needs.


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Brian Bessire

This could be a more useful replacement for adding in text-based links to a databoard (linking to a different databoard), but its value for me would depend on what the resulting information is.

Would this point to another databoard? A defined metric related to the particular element clicked? Or more of a Zoomed-in micro-modal similar to the new Databox feature of being able to see ad collateral thumbnails, which can be zoomed without leaving the databoard at all? Thanks!


Emil (Databox)

Hi Brian, thank you for weighing in! It would be the latter. So, having the ability to zoom into the metric to see what data contributed to the results (e.g. viewing Revenue and clicking into it to break it down into deal names, amount and other dimensions that you want to view).

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Doug Davidoff

This would not only be a powerful addition, it would address a critical gap that has limited our use of the tool. Data is really powerful when it prompts questions and enables you to identify areas that are out-of-norm quickly. The problem with this is that, unfortunately, a significant majority of items that you notice turn out to be false. The ability to quickly dig into a data visualization would power insight and intelligence tool, as well as a reporting one.


Pete Caputa

Thanks for sharing, Doug.

Can you give a practical example of when this would be helpful for you/your team?

For example: maybe when you're looking at your sales forecast, you'd be able to click and see deals that are a certain stage so that you can then talk about them?


Doug Davidoff

Here's an example - i was looking at an 18-month forward forecast report recently and we saw a big jump in both number of opportunities and $$ value 6-9 months out. It looked like something had popped, so we dug into it and while things were trending well it turned out that a new outlier opportunity, much larger than a typical opportunity, was responsible for most of the bump. we were able to account for that very quickly by drilling into the data.


Emil (Databox)

Status changed to: Under review


Emil (Databox)

Status changed to: Planned