Filtering of raw data

Emil (Databox)

DESCRIPTION: Ability to manipulate data (filter it) when building Metrics. Filtering will be available when preparing the raw dataset, but also later when building Custom Metrics. For example, excluding specific rows that match or don’t match certain criteria.

USE CASE: A user wants to report on the average revenue per country but wants to exclude countries that have 0 revenue. These countries are included in this user’s dataset and they can be easily removed by filtering out all countries where revenue equals 0.

LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!: We might develop this feature in the future. We encourage you to upvote it if you find it valuable and leave a comment with feedback and insight into what objectives you feel this feature could help you with. Getting more feedback upfront will help us better align the feature with our users' needs.

DISCLAIMER: The image mockup shared in this post is for illustrative purposes only and does not represent the final product. The final version of the product may differ from the mockup.


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Gary Magnone

highly anticipated to filter our data before building the custom metric so we can use those filters for more meaningful data fiiltering


Diana Radjabaeva

Another user requested this with their use case being SQL and Google Sheets


Brian Bessire

This could be invaluable, especially if combined with the ability to modify (rather than just filter in/out) data for all data sources including Google Sheets, as can currently be done with some SQL-based data sources via Databox's 'Renaming/Exclude Dimensions' functionality. Example: Two form submissions received for the same customer city can't be reconciled, as when one types "NYC" and one types "New York" they'd be counted as two different cities unless you have a Databox data source (like Salesforce) that allows for renaming-dimension rules within a metric.



Emil (Databox)

Thank you for sharing your use case with us, Brian! Yes, the goal is to give our users the ability to modify some data to save time and report on data that they expect to see in a given format or following a certain naming convention.

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Bella Inegbenose

Usecase: The user wants to report on form submissions by form names and exclude forms with 0 leads.


Emil (Databox)

Status changed to: Under review


Emil (Databox)

Status changed to: Planned