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I would like to be able to select dimensions when viewing a Databoard or Datablock (in order to drill-down into performance...
Currently, you can organize Databoards by using Tags and filter the list of Databoards by them. Is there any way to create...
Currently, the metric names on the Scorecards are displayed as pulled from the Data Source API/set by Databox. User would...
Being able to send out dashboards in a different language. A function within Databox that can auto-translate the Databoard...
The company is implementing some changes e.g. how to track MQLs and they will see this data in Prospecting section of HubSpot...
The possibility to have clients having their own clients when they are added in the reseller program.
Enable the extraction of all information from the board, not just what is visible on the screen. Currently, data within tables...
A custom menu is shown on the right mouse click on a specific Datablock Menu would include options to: - Change...
Customer runs dynamic Ads on Meta and will like the ability to be able to visualize the top performing ad creative from Meta's...
When the customer duplicated databoards, changes he would amde in custom metrics would apply to the ''original databoard'' He...