Ability to send notifications to private Slack channels

  • Live


At the moment we are only able to set notifications from Scheduled Snapshots, Scorecards and Alerts to public Slack channels.


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Hi all,

Last week, we've informed you to reconnect your Databox + Slack connection before November 22, 2021 to update to a newer version and continue receiving Slack notifications with Databox data.

We'd like to update you that we had to deprecate old Databox + Slack tokens earlier than planned, therefore, your existing Databox + Slack connection has to be reconnected asap.

In order to continue receiving Slack notifications with Databox data, please reconnect your Databox Account to Slack by clicking on this link (app.databox.com/slack/authorize) and following the instructions on the screen.
When reconnecting your Databox + Slack connection, make sure to select the previously connected Slack Workspace, so existing Notifications continue to work. If you select a new Slack Workspace, you'll need to update the Slack channels for Notification delivery. In case you accidentally select a different Slack Workspace, reset the reconnect flow by clicking on the link provided above.

We posted a notice on our Status Page, where you can read more about this here: status.databox.com/incidents/tn98fm8xm6jg.

Learn more about how the updated Databox + Slack integration works here: help.databox.com/article/95-guide-using-databox-with-slack.

If you have any follow-up questions or experiencing any issues reconnecting your Databox + Slack connection, don't hesitate to reach out to our Support through chat or via email at help@databox.com.

Sandra from Databox



Hi all,

Great news! We've made some huge updates to our Slack + Databox integration, and it's more powerful than ever.

One of the benefits of the updated Databox + Slack integration is being able to send Notifications to Private Slack channels.
The notifications will be sent with the user's name that has set the notification up, and not with Databox's name as it appears in Public Slack channels.

How can existing users start to utilize this option?
You will need to reconnect your Databox Account to Slack by clicking on this link (app.databox.com/slack/authorize) and following the instructions on the screen.
When reconnecting your Databox + Slack connection, make sure to select the previously connected Slack Workspace, so existing Notifications continue to work. If you select a new Slack Workspace, you'll need to update the Slack channels for Notification delivery. In case you accidentally select a different Slack Workspace, reset the reconnect flow by clicking on the link provided above.

By November 22, 2021, all existing users will need to reconnect their Databox + Slack connections to continue receiving Slack notifications with Databox data.
After that date, Slack notifications set in your Databox account will no longer be delivered to your Slack Workspace until you reconnect your Databox + Slack connection.

We'll reach out soon with resources that further explain how the updated Databox + Slack integration works.

In the meantime, don't hesitate to reach out through chat or via email at help@databox.com. We're here to help in any way we can.

Sandra from Databox



Status changed to: Live


Martijn van Mierlo

As mentioned by Érico, this would be useful to users having existing private channels.
Though I believe it is a flaw within Slack not being able to (temporarily) re-open private channels and granting access to 3rd party apps, we should offer a workaround on our end.


David Cowgill

This is definitely a crucial feature.
Once a Slack channel is converted to private, there's no way to switch it back to public. Therefore, no Databox Snapshots can be posted there.


Érico Scorpioni

This is crucial for those who use Slack.
We're not building the company from the ground up, we're trying to notify the team in the existing channels.
In my case, I'd like to notify team members in more than 10 channels, and I won't create new channels to lose the existing data just for Databox.