Ability to set Databoard Template as a 'Parent' Template

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Ben Tan

Currently, Databoard that has been added to the Agency Account Templates can be applied to multiple Client Accounts. If any changes needs to be made on that Databoard Template, you have to manually apply the updates across all Client Accounts where this Databoard has been used.

It would be beneficial for agencies having the ability to set Databoard Template as a 'Parent' Template, that would allow an Agency Account Template Databoard to be modified at any time within Agency Account Templates, and the changes could then be applied across multiple Client Accounts where this Template has been used.
A way to select Client Accounts where to apply the changes to at once would be ideal.
This would save us hours of work duplicating and modifying Templates repeatedly across our multiple Client Accounts.


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Shafaq Zaidi

Hi all,

We're excited to announce that this feature is now live in Databox!

Here's a resource to help you get started:
- help.databox.com/how-to-edit-a-databoard-account-template-and-push-changes-to-databoards

If you need any help, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team via chat.

Shafaq from Databox


Katja Pozeb

Status changed to: Live



Status changed to: In progress


Shafaq Zaidi

We want to be able to make a change to 1 Account Template and have that reflected on all the Databoards that were created using that Account Template initially.

Example 1:
Sales Consultant Performance Databoard - one Account Template was used to create Databoards to track performance for each individual rep (Databoard 1 for Joe, Databoard 2 for Sally, etc.). I want to add a Table to all of these Databoards without doing it on each individual board. So, I’d like to be able to add that table to the Account Template and have it updated on Joe’s board, Sally’s board, etc.

Example 2:
I have a Google Analytics Databoard in all of my Client Accounts that were made from an Account Template. I’d like to update the Databoard in each Client Account by making the change to the Account Template.


Ziga Potocnik

Merged with: Ability to make Global Changes to a Databoard



Status changed to: Planned


Shafaq Zaidi

User wants to have the ability to set Databoard Template as a Parent Template.

Use Case: User has over 250 clients, and they are adding new ones almost every day. Having an option to quickly deploy or update the Dashboards in their client accounts would be helpful, instead of logging in to their client accounts and reusing the template every time they modify them (once or twice a month).

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Marius Rudolph

We have about 12 Databoards created from a template.
It would be great if all the changes made at the master template could be applied to all child templates, so we don't need to change all other Databoards later on.

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Merged with: Changes in Databoard Templates should be applied across all Databoards



Great suggestion, Ben.