Ability to set up a percentage growth on Goals

Marco Mendoza

Currently, you can set goal values manually in Goal's advanced setup.

I'd like to have the ability to show goal's percentage growth - e.g. month over month, maybe next to the goal values.


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Dennis H.

Is there a time estimate when this will be live?

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Shafaq Zaidi

Hi Dennis,

Thanks for reaching out.
This is in development and can be expected in the next quarter.

Shafaq from Databox


Katja Pozeb

Status changed to: In progress

  • 10 months ago

Bryan Moore

This needs to happen! For businesses that are growth are oriented, they want to see the period over period % change as the goal.


Nicole Castillo

A customer said that a lot of us have goals based on percentage increases in traffic, users, etc. If we could set that as a general 5% increase YoY for example, that would be amazing.


Nicole Castillo

Currently, we can add percentage goals if the metric is already calculated as a percentage, like Conversion Rate.

User would like to be able to add percentage growth goals to goals like revenue. For example, 25% growth on revenue Y0Y and let the system do the calculation, so customers don't have to themselves. Perhaps we can use the function "compared to" so the platform can know that the 25% increase of revenue is compared to last year's revenue.



Status changed to: Open

  • 3 years ago


Status changed to: Under review

  • 3 years ago