Customize Data Source sync time

  • Live

Leonardo De Bona

I need a feature that allows me to customize the sync time of all data sources.


Activity Newest / Oldest


Katja Pozeb

Admins can now customize the frequency at which Databox pulls data from Data Sources. They can choose from intervals such as 24 hours, 8 hours, 4 hours, and 60 minutes, based on the plan.


Katja Pozeb

Status changed to: Live


Bella Inegbenose

User has a custom API data source, which pushes the data, he wants data to be synced in real time and not an hourly.


Owais Qureshi

Use case:
User would like to have an option to customize the sync time of Data Sources, as they have multiple data warehouses in Snowflake. This feature would allow them to run queries as per needs.


Andrew Whitford

This would be a very useful feature.
It would be great to be able to force a sync on-demand, but it would also be great to choose how frequently Databox queries a Data Source. We don't always want it to be as close to real-time as possible, because this can be stressful for the Data Source. If the queries are heavy, and we don't need the data to be super fresh, it would be good to have control over how often Databox is stressing our database with queries.


Catalin Ghindoveanu

We have reports containing info correlated from different data sources and if one source refresh at one time and the other at another time, then the data is not looking consistent.
It would be great to have the possibility to refresh all sources on a report at the same time (maybe set by a Databox user). I think it's almost mandatory for having logical and consistent data on the report. Please insert this possibility for a better experience with Databox. Thank you.


Antonio Carlos Paes do Nascimento

In Databox we see data near to real time - it updates every hour.
In order to follow on the company's performance in real-time, it would be great to have a function to update data per request.



Merged with: Option to update the graphs view


Pete Caputa

Hey Leonardo,

Can you tell us more about what you are looking for and why you need it?

Do you need the sync time to happen at a specific time of day or specific minute of the hour? And/or do you need it to sync more frequently? Do you need the sync time of different data sources to occur at different times? Do you need the sync frequency to be higher?

Also, please explain why you need this? What are you trying to do that you can't do now?


Lysandro Trotta

... or at least a button for manual data push!