Account Templates: Databoard Loop Template

  • Live

Panayiotis Papanastasiou

Currently, you are able to set single Databoards as Account Templates.

It would be very convenient if you could create a Databoard Loop Template (as Agency Account Template) that agencies could use within Client Accounts and customize them from there.


Activity Newest / Oldest


Uros Soukup

Status changed to: Live


Ziga Potocnik

Status changed to: In progress


Katja Pozeb

Status changed to: Planned


Nicole Castillo

An Agency user was creating very large loops - around 3 loops of 15 to 20 Databoards each. These loops were going to be the same for all their clients, so they wanted a way to streamline them by creating Account Templates.

Currently, they need to create 30+ Account Templates, use them one by one within Client Accounts and join them in a loop. And they need to repeat the steps each time they acquire a new client.

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