Dimension drop-down(s) on Databoards/Datablocks

Pete Caputa

I would like to be able to select dimensions when viewing a Databoard or Datablock (in order to drill-down into performance more easily) similar to the way I can now select a Date Range in Databox.

1. In some cases, I'd like to be able to select this drop down for each individual Datablock.

E.g. When looking at Google Analytics Sessions by Device on a Number block, be able to toggle between mobile, tablet and desktop w/out going back into the Databox Designer or Metric Builder.

2. In some case, I'd like to be able to select this dimension for a whole Databoard.

Use case #1: I'd like to be able to drill down to performance of an individual salesperson on my sales team. The Databoard tracks meetings booked, calls completed, deals created, deals closed, deals closed won amount. I'd like to be able to toggle between salesperson 1 and sales person 2.

Use case #2: A user runs paid ads across multiple channels and would like the ability to filter data on a databoard level for the specific campaigns of interest across all data sources used in the databoard. If a campaign is run across 3 channels, with a consistent naming or some sort of consistency, the user would like to filter the databoard to only show the campaigns of interest across all channels.

3. Lastly, I'd like to be able to choose multiple dimensions directly on the Databoard.

E.g. When looking at Google Analytics Sessions be able to toggle by Device and by Page. This would allow me to explore Traffic to a specific page of a website from a specific device w/out using the Designer or Metric Builder.

If you'd like to see this feature built in Databox, please add your examples (and related ideas) below too.


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Diana Radjabaeva

Possibility to filter out all the metrics on the board by a specific dimension, even if the dimension is not present for any of the blocks, or another dimension is used.
Example: Different campaigns, Ad Sets, or non dimentional metrics to be filtered out by the specific ad name.


Aline Mazzoni

Hi! Just to support the feature request. That is also a need in my company that the Databoards viewers could have the ability to use custom filters that impact all the metrics. Also, cross filters that work together. These usability is very common in the most well-known dashboard tools on the market.
This feature is critical for our company's decision to move forward with the tool.
Thank you very much!


Emil (Databox)

The use case - having multiple dashboards under different campaign names, but the same set of metrics, and different dimensions. They'd need to have double-dimension, or, at least going by the route of the least resistance have the metrics by main dimensions they need to report on, and select the dashboard filters for the company. This will allow them to spend less time creating multiple custom/calculated metrics, which I am helping with right now.
set of 5-6 dashboards for a specific company by defining other dimensions would take 30-40 minutes. And we need x5 times more of those.


Katja Pozeb

Status changed to: Planned

  • 3 months ago

Tijana Milasevic

The customer would want to be able to have filter toggle (so when other team members review the databoard, they can apply specific filter they need)


Emil (Databox)

Merged with: Filter by Campaign

  • 4 months ago

George Saunders

Our client's need to filter dashboards by campaign (Google, LinkedIn, etc). Being able to choose one or multiple campaigns from a platform to create comparisons/get a customized view

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Dawn Smith

I really need this feature for things like ad campaigns. We run so many campaigns, it's not feasible to create pre-filtered databaords for each one.


Tijana Milasevic

The customer would like to be able to have toggle for the dimension (as we have it for date range) so he doesn't have to manually choose dimension for each datablock, but apply it for the whole databoard.


Jon Holt-Thomas

We would like to be able to only show data based on a filter for all metrics for a data source, without needing to create every metric as a custom metric.

e.g. Google Ads - only show metrics for campaigns of a certain type or campaign names containing some text.

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Katja Pozeb

  • 9 months ago

Diana Radjabaeva

Ability to have the master filter for the entire dashboard. Use case: dimensions applied manually to each dashboard with custom/basic metrics that return the x amount of dimensions. The number of dashboards is 600+

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Paul Smit

A Master Filter where you can select a country and all the metrics change to show this specific selected option (e.g. country) no matter the data source. And be able to select multiple ones (e.g. countries or a group of countries like Europe)


Shafaq Zaidi

Merged with: Master filter for all data sources

  • a year ago

Ilan Rozenblat

To be able to do what we are doing with other BI tools, we really need the support for a multi-level dimension. Addressing our customers' needs requires us to create parent-child relations between datablocks, and between databoards. I really hope you add this capability soon.

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Monise Milanese

The user would like to have the ability to filter an entire dashboard by a specific dimension.


Shafaq Zaidi

User would like to filter the whole Databoard by dimensions of Locations, Products or Sales rep names instead of setting it up for each individual metric.


Tijana Milasevic

The customer would like to have a Dimension toggle for the whole Databoard so he doesn't have to choose them manually.


Carolina Zibert

User has requested Dimension drop-down(s) for Databoards/Datablocks.


Marius Hallet

Couldn't agree more with Pete and Soren P. This is the main reason why we have to go with another provider, although we actually like the visualizations from Databox more. We would love to see this implemented after more than 3 years and so much upvotes. Especially for an agency, it is crucial to allow our customers to filter data by campaign, media, competitor etc.


Ziga Potocnik

Merged with: Full Screen View: Ability to select Dimensions

  • a year ago

Anthony Emeka Nwankwo

Currently, it is only possible to add Dimensions from the Datablock Editor.

User wants to be able to select Dimensions from the full screen view and not from the Datablock Editor.

User also wants the dimensions to update on all Datablocks on the Databoard.


Ales Kotnik

A user would like to have the ability to add a filter on the dashboard (just like the master “Date Range” works) that would adapt the data as soon as someone changes the country (for all the metrics on the dashboard that have the dimension country). In lines with the second point described by Pete.


Tijana Milasevic

The user would like to have a Dimension toggle for the whole databoard (as we have it for Date range) so he doesn't have to choose dimensions manually for each metric.


Milica Novak

It looks like you have to filter every single tile manually by a specific dimension member. So if we have 20 dimension members and 5 tiles per slide and 5 slides then we have 20x5x5 = 500 tiles to create - and it also looks like for some of the visuals I’d have to create a specific metric for it.

What I’m looking for from a filter perspective is the ability to filter a databoard with more than one chart on it.


Anthony Emeka Nwankwo

User wants to filter their GA4 dashboard with a region or country.

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Lucas Zagonel

O filtro de seleção tem como função otimizar a criação e visualização das informações por campanha, conjunto de anuncio e anuncio. Por exemplo, se eu tenho 10 campanhas, e eu quero visualizar métricas de alcance, impressões, leads, CTR, CPM. Para visualizar esta métricas para cada campanha, terei que criar uma métrica personalizada para cada campanha e imaginou o trabalho que isso da? Então a sugestão do filtro. O filtro de seleção teria a função de selecionar qual campanha, conjunto de anúncio ou anuncio e também ter a opçao de selecionar todas as métricas que eu quero que apareça para este dash. Com certeza, esta opção vai facilitar a vida de todos que criam dashboards.

The selection filter's function is to optimize the creation and visualization of information by campaign, ad set and advertisement. For example, if I have 10 campaigns, and I want to view reach, impressions, leads, CTR, CPM metrics. To view these metrics for each campaign, I will have to create a custom metric for each campaign and can you imagine how much work that takes? So the selection filter would have the function of selecting which campaign, ad set or announcement and also have the option of selecting all the metrics that I want to appear for this dashboard. This option will certainly make life easier for everyone who creates dashboards.

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Shafaq Zaidi

Merged with: Selection filter

  • a year ago

Anthony Emeka Nwankwo

User wants to apply a specific filter on a dashboard and the metrics contained in it with certain conditions, e.g. By country. The user also wants to be able to select this view when that dashboard is in the full screen mode as well.


Irving Anglon

The ability to filter campaigns on the entire Databoard in a loop.


Shafaq Zaidi

Merged with: Master dimension filter

  • 2 years ago

Shafaq Zaidi

Merged with: Dropdown filter

  • 2 years ago

Geae Albay

Ability to add dropdown dimensions filter/s of metrics into the databoard.


Shafaq Zaidi

  • 2 years ago

Media Buyer

I want to create a databoard to analyze my facebook ads campaigns with different tables for campaigns with different objectives (For e.g. Sales, Leads, Awareness)


Shafaq Zaidi

User wants to filter the Databoards and Datablocks by dimensions


soren p

I wonder why this after three years is not even on the Kanban board. As many has written below, this is a really basic feature of almost all dashboard products. It's a bit strange since databox has so so many other extremely cool features.


soren p

There are so many nice features in this product, and it was kind of surprising not to find the ability to drill down by dimensions (and filtering) in the user dashboards. The whole metric/attribution thing is also confusing, and I would really encourage Databox to stick with conventional terminology.


Shafaq Zaidi

Hi Soren

Thank you for your feedback. Our teams will consider these improvements.

You can learn more about Standard Metrics and Attributed Metrics here:

Shafaq from Databox


Ran Rayn

This is a crucial feature.


Benjamin Ash

User wants to be able to filter an entire Dashboard of relevant metrics by segment, rather than visualizing all the separately built metrics based on the segment.


Shafaq Zaidi

Merged with: Filter the entire Dashboard by Segment

  • 2 years ago

Milos Vukotic

The Customer would like to have a Master Dimension changer, similar to the Master Date Range changer.


Tijana Milasevic

The customer wants to have a toggle for Dimension (as we have for Date Range) so he doesn't have to do it separately for each Datablock.


Martin Vidoevski

User would like to have the options to apply filter on Dashboard level.


Shafaq Zaidi

Merged with: Apply filters on a Dashboard level

  • 2 years ago

Shafaq Zaidi

Merged with: Adding Filters on Databoards

  • 2 years ago

Daudi Ggingo

It would really be great if I can be able to add responsive filters to my Databoards so that viewers of these Databoards can use them without dictating what they should see.


Owais Qureshi

User would like to have more filtering options in Datablock like Dimension filtering.


Milos Vukotic

The Customer would like to be able to filter the entire Datablock by State or City.


Shafaq Zaidi

Use case:
Customer would like to be able to filter the entire Databoard with a Campaign ID.


Milos Vukotic

Use case:
The Customer would like to be able to filter the entire Databoard by the ''Country'' Dimension.

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Shafaq Zaidi

Merged with: Master Dimension switcher

  • 2 years ago

Owais Qureshi

User would like to filter the Databoard by Dimension.

Use case:
User wants a Campaign Overview, so this will allow them to see different campaigns on the Databoard.


Shafaq Zaidi

Merged with: Ability to filter the whole Databoard by Dimension

  • 2 years ago

Nicole Castillo

Use case:
Customer explained that his goal is to create one Databoard with all the Metrics attributed "By Owner" (e.g. Calls by Owner), and to be able to switch between Dimensions (e.g. Sales reps, to track individual rep effort and his performance).


Pooja Shah

This is an absolute must for any BI or Dashboard tool.

Is it possible to fast track it, please?

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Shafaq Zaidi

Hi Pooja,

Thank you for reaching out.

Our team is currently focused on some major projects, that will benefit all Databox users. Our team started to plan this feature out, but there are no details to share about it yet. As soon as there will be any updates, we'll notify users via this post.

Shafaq from Databox


Antoine Curti

Databox is awesome, but I'm really surprised they don't provide this basic feature.


Fedor Simic

Currently, it is not possible to filter the entire Databoard by a Dimension. Instead, you have to set Dimensions on Datablocks individually, per multiple Databoards.

User has requested for the ability to apply one Dimension filter to the entire Databoard, similar to the Master Date Range option. This way, less Metrics settings would be required on Datablocks, and it will save time with duplicating Databoards and just changing the Dimension filter afterwards.

Use case:
Saving a lot of time with building out the same Databoards for different Regions/Countries.


Shafaq Zaidi

Merged with: Ability to filter entire Databoard by Dimension

  • 2 years ago


Merged with: Ability to filter Campaigns on the Databoard

  • 2 years ago

Murad Khan

Databox enables users to filter metrics per individual Datablock and also via Metric Builders when building Custom Metrics.

User requested to filter metrics per Databoard.

Use case:
Filtering metrics by Campaigns to easier view complete campaign overview.


Milica Novak

Use case:
Customer is leading multiple campaigns, and reports on each campaign individually.
It would be much easier for them to set the Dimension per the whole Databoard, instead of changing the Dimensions for XY number of Datablocks every time.
For this purpose, they are currently using Google Data Studio.


Tijana Milasevic

The user wants to have an additional toggle where you could choose the traffic type, for example Organic or Paid. Then, when switched, it would only pull Google Analytics data for the selected traffic across all metrics used on that Databoard. With this toggle, he could easily pull the metrics he needs as they are constantly evaluating traffic based on different channels. This would be very convenient and important for them.



Merged with: Google Analytics: Toggle (next to Master Date Ranger) for changing traffic type

  • 3 years ago

Milos Vukotic

User wants to be able to select Dimensions when viewing a Databoard or Datablock (in order to drill-down into performance more easily), similar to the way it's possible to select Date Range in Databox.



  • 3 years ago

Currently, Master Date Range is available to change the Date Range for the entire Databoard at once, and individual Datablocks can be filtered by Dimension.

The user wants to filter Databoard by a specific field value - Dimension, so that all reports on the Databoard can dynamically change based on the selected Dimension.



Merged with: Ability to change the Dimension for all the Metrics on a Databoard

  • 3 years ago

Marco Mendoza

The metrics that I am measuring have the same Dimension. I want to filter Databoard by different Dimensions with one click, without needing to update individual Datablocks/metrics.


Monise Milanese

This feature would give users the ability to set a global filter for campaigns, ad sets, ads, etc.

An example:
If you would like to report on the performance of a specific campaign, you would not need to specify the Dimension (campaign) for each individual Metric. With the global filter, you would select the campaign you would like to report on and it would automatically update all the Datablocks on the Databoard.



Merged with: Ability to set a global filter on a Databoard

  • 3 years ago

Devin Littlefield

Like Google Data Studio, we'd like to provide the ability for a viewer of a Databoard to change the metrics being reported based on a set of filters we provide.
As an example, we report on Impressions and Clicks for all Google Ads performance, but we'd like to give the viewer, who doesn't have report editing capabilities, the option to filter down the same metrics by something like the type of campaign (Search, Display, or Video, as examples).
This method would prevent us from also having to create a bunch of separate Databoards for each of those desired filters, instead allowing for a single Databoard with all of the metrics we need.

Thanks for considering this!



  • 3 years ago

Jacob Vendramin

It would be great if there was a way to set up a data slicer for a Databoard. This is something you can set up in programs such as Power BI.

Use case:
We have many sales reps and would like to be able to filter a Databoard based on one specific rep or a group of reps. You can currently do this with Date Ranges, but not by Dimensions.
The only way to get around this problem right now is by setting up one Databoard containing all rep data or a Databoard for each rep - neither are efficient solutions.

Basically, this would allow people on the front-facing side of a Databoard to filter data based on Dimensions.



Merged with: Data Slicer Feature

  • 3 years ago

Harry Zavros

This would be very very helpful!!!


Raphael Droissart

Being able to filter by Dimensions at the Databoard level, similar as we can already do with the Master Date Range being applied to all Metrics. It would be nice to be able to do the same when all Metrics are sharing the same Dimension(s) (ex: country, client etc.).



Merged with: Filter Dimensions at the Databoard level

  • 4 years ago

Ivan Larrauri

This is a key feature for us! Please Include it as soon as possible! It's a MUST-HAVE feature!


The Insight Studio

Yes, this would be a fantastic functionality that would make Databox even more useful as an analytics tool rather than just a data visualization tool.

Right now, if we see an anomaly or want to drill down the data, we need to check the data directly in the Data Source UI or drag & drop a new Datablock in Databox with different criteria.
In Google Data Studio we are able to use controllers to easily filter the data in a view by criteria like country, source, device, day of the week, etc. This helps us make better decisions in one place, without having to check data in e.g. Google Analytics.

I also agree that it'd be great having the ability to filter Dimensions on a Databoard level, as mentioned above e.g. for salespersons.
That would make Sales Dashboards a much more useful tool for our sales team. Right now, we're only able to look at a high level overview, but I'd like to be able to use this functionality during a sales meeting to dig into individual's performance - all from one Databoard.



  • 4 years ago

Robin Weißgerber

Place a Filter to the Databoard where you can directly choose Dimensions, like Campaigns, Ad Groups, Search/Display, etc.

Our customers have plenty of Google Ads Campaigns. The only way to put the data into one Databoard would a be filter.


Pete Caputa

Thanks for sharing this, Robin. Agree 100%, and this is certainly something we've discussed internally.
Is filtering by one Dimension enough?


Witali Aizendorf

Having the same problem! Anyone working on a solution @databox?




Our team is constantly working on several improvements for our platform.
At the moment, we don't have any update on this request yet, but as soon as there will be, we'll update our users in this post.



  • 4 years ago

Marketing/ Radar Consulting ITA

It would be uselful to add a global filter for the whole Databoard.

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Thank you for sharing your request.

Can you please explain your use case or what kind of info would you like to filter by the whole Databoard?

Is your request being covered in this post perhaps: roadmap.databox.com/b/product-features/dimension-drop-downs-on-databoards-datablocks.
If yes, feel free to upvote for it.


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Merged with: Master Dimension Filters for Entire Databoard

  • 4 years ago

Joshua Whitlow

Right now, the only thing you can change for the entire Databoard at once is "Date Range".

It would be nice if we could add Dimensions that we could use to filter the entire Databoard at once.

Use Case: Currently need to split off two entire Databoards into two just because I want to change 1 Dimension.
Examples: Salesforce Integration, Google Sheets or any integration where the owner or creator may be important to filter by.

**Example Use Case:**
I have a Databoard where I am reporting on lead pipelines. Every single metric is looking for the owner of the record in Salesforce (lead owner or contact owner or bookings owner), which for us will all be exactly the same person. I'd like to be able to switch between owners on the Databoard, rather than needing to maintain the various owners in our company as separate Databoards.

**Example of a possible solution:**
You would have to specify what field you're filtering for each metric.
Ideally this would work in SOQL queries, as that's primarily what I use. Perhaps you could have a "Insert Filter Field" option for the queries such as:

*SELECT CreatedTime date, id
FROM contact
WHERE OwnerId.name = '{OWNERFILTER}'*

Then I would just insert that same field into other metrics that I use and could filter the whole board.

Same thing for the Basic Metric, where you would just insert which field in the WHERE statement you are trying to filter by.
This would give incredible flexibility to be able to add a few master filters.

A ''bonus'' would be an "All" option but that would be complicated since you'd essentially have to remove the specific part of the WHERE clause (or the entire WHERE clause if that's the only statement) during runtime to retrieve the right data.

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Merged with: Ability to filter by Dimensions on Databoard

  • 4 years ago

Muhammad Jalil

Ability to filter on any specific Dimension for the whole Databoard (e.g. like it's possible with Google Data Studio or other BI platforms).

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Post moved to this board

  • 4 years ago