Folders for sorting Databoards

Dustin Wadsworth

Currently, you can organize Databoards by using Tags and filter the list of Databoards by them.

Is there any way to create folders that would hold certain types of Databoards? I'm looking at them in the grid view, since I have several I thought I'd ask. If I could organize them into folders it would be ideal.


Activity Newest / Oldest


Kevin Rabier

definitely useful


Tijana Milasevic

The customer would want to be able to organize databoards in folders (and set them up in alphabetical order) for easier overview.


Tijana Milasevic

The customer would like to have folders for easier organization of Databoards (at the moment, she is using loops and tags).


Shafaq Zaidi

A user wants to have the ability to create folders and subfolders for Databoards and then give user access based on those folders/subfolders (or Tags and subTags, like an additional level of drilldown), instead of Databoards.


Shafaq Zaidi

User would like to have folders to organize Databoards.


Tijana Milasevic

The customer would like to be able to organize databoards in folders (they have several businesses and feel such way of organization would make it easier for them).


Anthony Emeka Nwankwo

User wants to have folders to group their dashboards by specific themes. They said that this would make the use of Databox simple and great.


Shafaq Zaidi

User would like to have folders, so they can sort Databoards in a more organized way.


Owais Qureshi

Use case:
User would like to have an ability to put Databoards, Scheduled Snapshots, and Metrics in multiple folders.



Merged with: Databoards organized in Folders

  • 2 years ago

Tadeu Soares

Ability to create Folders to move Databoards with the same theme/subject in.


Matthieu Helary

Currently, there is no option to distinguish which Databoards are finalized and ready for viewers, and which are still in the process of building up or testing.

I'd like to group Databoard by status, like "Staging" / "Production", etc.

Use case:
Right now, I have a view of around 30 Databoards, but I'm not sure which one are "Live" or at the testing stage by other team members.



Merged with: Ability to group Databoards by status

  • 3 years ago

Milos Vukotic

Customer would like to be able to sort their Databoards in folders.
I mentioned they could use Tags as an alternative soluiton in the meantime.

  • Avatar

James B

Currently, if you want to use a Shareable Link of Looped Databoards you can only access the link if you open the 1st Databoard from the loop.

Can we have an ability to have folders for Databoards, or some kind of grouping them, instead of having them all displayed?
If there was a folder with the linked Databoards, that would help with the organization better.




Merged with: Folders for Databoards

  • 3 years ago

James B

What's the ETA on this development?



Hi James,

Thank you for following up on this.

We currently don't have any ETA on this. As soon as there will be an update on this development, we'll notify you via this post.

Sandra from Databox



Hi James,

Thanks for sharing your feedback.

Can you please elaborate on your request further:
- Do you have in mind seeing a list of all Looped Databoards? If yes, this can be accessed by navigating to Databoards > Looped Databoards. Learn more here: help.databox.com/article/92-overview-looped-databoards.
- Or do you have in mind grouping Databoards that have been shared with other users by using the Shareable Link (help.databox.com/article/109-overview-shareable-link)?
- Further, you can tag Databoards that are used in loops or was shared with other users. Read more about Databoard Tags here: help.databox.com/article/135-overview-tags#tag-databoards.
- Or do you simply have in mind being able to organize Databoards in folders, as using Tags does not work for you? If that's the case, we can merge your request with this one: roadmap.databox.com/b/product-features/folders-for-sorting-databoards/.

Looking forward to your reply.

Thank you,
Sandra from Databox



Hi Matthieu,

Thanks for submitting your request.

For now, the following options are available:
- Applying a Tag to a Databoards, e.g. with ''Staging'', ''Live'', or other statuses.
Learn more here: help.databox.com/article/135-overview-tags#tag-databoards.
- Databoards to be set to private or accessible only for the selected users until ready for live view.
Learn more here: help.databox.com/article/67-how-to-set-databoard-access-permissions#how-to-define.

Would this work for you?
Or would you rather aim to have e.g. a drop-down where you could select different Databoard statuses and later filter Databoards by these statuses on the Databoards page?

Additionally, we have a similar request here: roadmap.databox.com/b/chart-improvements/ability-to-color-individual-metrics-blocks-different-colors.
Feel free to upvote on it if you find it interesting to fit your needs as well.

Thank you.

Sandra from Databox