Use Template without connecting all Data Sources

  • Live

Matt Thompson

Currently, a Template can be used only if you've connected all the Data Sources used with the template.

I would like to be able to use a Template created at the Master level (as Account Template) without having to connect all the Data Sources used in the template.

Use case:
I have a Databoard with social trends data, which includes Mailchimp Data Source. Other clients might use Constant Contact or other email clients, instead of Mailchimp. I'd like to be able to use the Master Template (Account Template) without connecting Mailchimp and then change it to the desired Data Source (like Constant Contact), but Databox is currently not allowing me this due to the demand that all Data Sources needing to be connected before using the template.


Activity Newest / Oldest


Tijana Milasevic

The user would like to be able to use Public Templates even when they don't have all the Data Sources required for the template. e.g. out of 3 Data Sources, the user has 2 Data Sources connected so they would like to use the Public Template, and they'll just remove the Datablocks for the Data Source they are not using.


Shafaq Zaidi

Merged with: Ability to use Databoard Public Templates even when the user doesn't have all the Data Sources connected


Ziga Potocnik

Status changed to: Live


Owais Qureshi

User would like to use the Public Templates even though all Data Sources are not connected.