Carolina Zibert |
Currently, it is possible to view the Performance Summaries for Databoards and for Datablocks.
It would be great if AI-powered Performance Summaries can be added on Reports and as Datablocks on Databoards.
Activity Newest / Oldest
Katja Pozeb
Users on Growth and Premium plans can now add new AI performance summary visualization to the databoard.
With AI performance summary datablock, users can summarize up to 10 key metrics at once, and choose how they want the summary displayed by selecting the language, narrative style, summary length, and more.
The option to add it to a report is in development and will be available soon.
Katja Pozeb
Status changed to: Live
Andrew Olson
I would love some customization here. For example, our own database (pdfs, crawled sites, etc.) from which to pull AI as well as which language model.
Emil (Databox)
Hi Andrew, that's a great suggestion! I created a separate post for this. I already added you to it. Feel free to leave a comment there with even more context. Thanks!
Katja Pozeb
Status changed to: In progress
Katja Pozeb
Status changed to: Planned
Shafaq Zaidi
User wants to have the AI-powered Performance Summary as a visualization type.