Martijn van Mierlo |
Currently, the metric names on the Scorecards are displayed as pulled from the Data Source API/set by Databox.
User would like to have the ability to change the metric names to better explain the Scorecards data.
Use case:
Rename Goal Completion (metric name) to the New Leads.
Activity Newest / Oldest
Milica Novak
Customer would like to rename metrics in Scorecard. This especially comes in handy when we have a Dimensional metric in scorecard, so instead of 'New Leads x Outbound / John Doe' customer would like to rename it just New Leads since this Scorecard is anyway delivered to John Doe.
Martijn, an alternative solutions could be for now:
- creating Custom Metrics via Query Builder, if possible
- create Calculated Metrics via Data Calculations, when Query Builder is not an option (not available for a Data Source, or metric can not be recreated)
Not ideal, but this way user can set the metric name as he wants to.