Reports: Ability to send Shareable live link of a Report

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Milos Vukotic

Currently, you can share Reports as static PDFs via email, Slack or directly downloads them as PDFs.

Customer would like to be able to send a Shareable live link of a Report, same as we have this option with Databoards and Scheduled Snapshots.


Activity Newest / Oldest


Katja Pozeb

Users can now enable a public link for a report in the share dialogue, and set IP and password protection for the report.


Katja Pozeb

Status changed to: Live


Katja Pozeb

Status changed to: In progress


Katja Pozeb

Merged with: Full Screen View: Ability to view and present Reports in full screen


Gary Magnone

Since Reports mimics the functionality of presentations like Powerpoint or Google Slides, it should have the ability to activate full screen or presentation view when walking through with clients on a monthly reporting video call.


Katja Pozeb

Merged with: Reports: Presentation mode option


Anthony Emeka Nwankwo

Currently, Reports can be viewed in the Edit mode and shared with viewers as PDF, via Email or Slack.

User asked for a presentation mode option to share the screen and present Reports to viewers, like it's possible with PowerPoint. This view would also make sure that the Notes section below each slide is not visible to the participants of the presentation.


Gary Magnone

Since most of the Reports functionality seems to be mimicing a presentation-style view (powerpoint, sheets, keynote, etc) and geared towards client presentation, it should have the ability to enable full-screen view to guide clients through in a monthly reporting call.


Tijana Milasevic

The customer would like to have full view reports (workaround at the moment is PDF-but it is static and also using loops).


Gary Magnone

Agreed, we should be able to share a public link to a report. And have the ability to view in full screen


Shafaq Zaidi

Merged with: Ability to send the report as a link


Jheel Patel

We wish to embed and send the report as a link,


Jheel Patel

This would make the report interactive and the user can use filters to change data and compare progress over time.
Expand the metric and view a bigger picture as needed.


Joel W

Yeah, that public link for reports is essential I think. Not least because the mouseover to see the data for each period in a chart really adds a lot of value.


Blasberg Sara


I don't know why this doesn't exist yet for Reports, but I don't always want to download the Report as a pdf but just present full screen. Maybe we should add this.

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Shafaq Zaidi

User wants the ability to share Reports with a Shareable link like we have for Databoards.


Anthony Emeka Nwankwo

A user wants to be able to share Reports with a shareable live link.


Nicole Castillo

I have a few customers who have interactive visualization types on their boards (like muti-tab) and would like the option to include the sharable link on the PDF so that data can be seen on the report.


Owais Qureshi

User would like to have this ability to present live Reports and with the possibility of hiding “Notes” section, just like we have in Google Slides.


Ricardo De la Torre

Full screen view in reports may be more versatile.


Natasa Mehle

User wants to view Reports on a full-screen mode, without the slides showing on the left side.

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Shafaq Zaidi

Merged with: Reports: Shareable link of Report


Owais Qureshi

User would like to have a Shareable link of Reports, like the option that we have for Databoards.
User would like to have this feature so they can edit Reports on the go, as this would give them more flexibility.


Milos Vukotic

Customer would like to be able to send a Sharable live Link of a Report, same as we have this option with Databoards and Scheduled Snapshots.



Merged with: Reports: include Shareable Link in email



When you send a Databoard via email, it can be interactive - via Shareable Link. This is especially helpful if Multi-tab Charts are used on the Databoard.
Currently, Reports can be sent via email and the only option for the recipients is to download it as a static PDF.

A link similar to the Shareable Link for Databoards would be helpful to have. This would eliminate the need of creating multiple screenshots to capture all the data from the Report.