Reports: different metric Visualization Types on Side-by-Side Slide

Jelena Cvetkovic

Currently, only 3-5 metric visualization types are available on the Side-by-Side slide.

User can select between 3 different visualizations (Line or Bar Graph, or Number block) if using a Standard Metric (single metric without Dimensions), and 4 visualizations (Line or Bar Graph, Table, or Pie Chart) if using an Attributed Metric (metric with Dimensions).

User requested to support some other Visualization Types in Reports' slides as well.

Use Case:
User is interested using the Funnel visualization with data from different metrics on the Side-by-Side slide.


Activity Newest / Oldest


Katja Pozeb

Status changed to: In progress


Seapoint Reporting

Currently, it is not possible to select multiple Dimensions in a Data Story.

It would be great to have different visualization types, so multiple Dimensions can be selected.


Shafaq Zaidi

Merged with: Reports: Ability to select multiple Dimensions in a Data Story through other visualization types.


Owais Qureshi

User would like to have more display options on a Side by Side slide like creating long Funnel visualization on the bottom.


Tijana Milasevic

User wants to use the Table visualization type for Standard Metrics as well.


Shafaq Zaidi

Status changed to: Open


Shafaq Zaidi

Status changed to: Under review