Automatically change of metric color depending on the goal

Tijana Milasevic

The customer would want metric color (number color) to automatically change in table depending on the goal (red below the goal and green when goal is reached)


Activity Newest / Oldest


Diana Radjabaeva

Ability to compare the metrics on the table to the goal, Ratio and 0%, with the goal percentage showing in red if below 100%, and green if above 100% achieved.


Emil (Databox)

Merged with: Ability to show goal achieved in color on the table

  • a month ago

Tijana Milasevic

The customer would like to see the color change as they are progressing toward the goals e.g. red, orange, and green


Emil (Databox)

Merged with: Radial Progress: Color scheme to change according to progress

  • a month ago

Rigel Hodson

I would love to have the ability to have the goals in table metrics colors be based off percentage and not how they are tracking.
For example I have a databoard that is showing all the goals as green when I wish it wouldn't show green until they actually hit that number.
It comes off that reps have completed the goal even though they haven't, and in some situation they arent even close to the goal.


Emil (Databox)

Merged with: Different colors for different metrics goal attainment

  • a month ago