Manually set colors for each Dimension on charts

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For example: when using two different Metrics in two separate Pie Charts and both Metric contain the same list of Dimensions/Attributes, it sometimes allocates a different color to the same Dimensions.


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Katja Pozeb

Amazing News! Users can now set a custom color for each dimension. User can also insert their own color Using Hex color code.


Katja Pozeb

Status changed to: Live

  • 10 months ago


Good news! This functionality is now PARTLY available for all metrics. The support for customising colors for dimensions is coming soon as well. You can read more about it here: databox.com/new-visualizations-and-powerful-charts-2


Shafaq Zaidi

A user wants to assign different colors to different lines in a Line Chart.


Kamila Sanchez

Is it already live?


Shafaq Zaidi

Hi Kamila,

Thanks for reaching out.

Our team is actively working on this feature and many other Chart Improvements. This feature will be live this quarter.

As soon as there's any update, we'll notify users via this post.

Shafaq from Databox.


linh vu

Hi team,
When will this update be released?

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Shafaq Zaidi

Hi Linh vu,

Thanks for reaching out.

Our team is actively working on this feature and many other Chart Improvements which are planned to be implemented in the coming months.

Shafaq from Databox.


Nicole Castillo

User would like to manually set colors for each dimension. He wants to be able to change colors on the Pie Chart independently of the board. For example, one pie is red and blue, the other yellow and orange.


Owais Qureshi

Customer would like to have more customizable color options for each Dimension on Charts.


Luc Boeke

This post has been on the Roadmap since August 2020. Is there any progress to report?

Thank you and have a great day, DEV team!


Shafaq Zaidi

Hi Luc,

Thanks for following up.

Our team is actively working on this and many other Chart Improvements, which are planning to be implemented in the following months. As soon as there will be any updates, we'll notify users via this post.

Shafaq from Databox

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Luc Boeke

Thank you, Shafaq and good luck!

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Shafaq Zaidi

User has requested to have more control over colors on Bar charts.


Milica Novak

Use case:
Customer would like to have ability to change Dimensions' colors to be red for negative values and green for positive values.

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Milos Vukotic

Customer would like to have a better control over Dimension colors on a graph, so that they could be uniformly displayed across multiple Datablocks/Databoards.



Merged with: Custom colors for Dimensions

  • 2 years ago


Status changed to: In progress

  • 3 years ago

James B

It's fantastic that this is planned! We definitely want control over selecting colors on the bar or line graph. It would help a ton!

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Status changed to: Planned

  • 3 years ago

Milica Novak

Another use case:
Customer uses a Bar Chart, and he wants to show the negative values (bars) in red, and the positive values (bars) in green.
And in general, would like to be able to set bars in Bar Charts manually.


Anthony Emeka Nwankwo

It'd help with the adoption of stakeholders - the ease of comprehension/use of the Databoards.
You don't want someone to look at different Databoard's blocks and have to think about the different values with varying colors per block.



Merged with: Keep the same color scheme in Pie Chart, no matter the size of the categories

  • 3 years ago

Luc Boeke

Hi Databox,

Working with multiple Pie Chart visuals in a Databoard is a great way to compare various periods, for ex last month vs the actual month or current quarter vs the same quarter a year ago.
Comparisons between these periods however are sometimes tricky. That is, when a category has the largest share in the pie in period 1, but no longer so in period 2 - the color of the category will then change!
Would it not be better to assign a dedicated color to a category, no matter the size of its share in the pie?

Thanks for looking into this, and all who vote for this item a big word of thanks to you!

Best from Zürich,



Merged with: Stacked chart uniform colors

  • 3 years ago

Nikola Lucic

Uniformed color for the Dimensions throughout Datablocks on a Databoard.
If we are using the same Dimensions in different stacked graphs, it would be much easier to compare them if they are of a same color. Each Dimension is represented by a unique color.


uniqwork GmbH

Indeed, changing colors to all kind of visualizations are quite handy, cause e.g. Gauges can mean something good, or bad. Therefore, the color can be very misleading.


Jasper Middendorp

Our use case:
We work with a lot of products that have specific colors and would be great to be able to visualize our inventory along the actual product colors.