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    Monise Milanese Branca
  • on 2024/07/23

Display Your Ad Creatives in Databoards and Reports

You can now view your Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, and Pinterest Ads creatives in your Databoards and Reports. View your creatives, alongside your copy and metrics, to better analyze your campaigns. 

Use it to:

  • See which ad creatives perform best by viewing metrics like impressions, clicks, and conversion rates side by side.
  • Share visually engaging reports with your team or clients.
  • Analyze how different visuals and copy combinations perform to improve your messaging and strategy.

More integrations will be supported soon.

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    Monise Milanese Branca
  • on 2024/07/21

Save Databoard Loops as a Template

Now, you can save a Databoard Loop as a template and reuse it across all client accounts. Simply select the Loop template you need and customize it to fit each client’s needs.

Use it to:

  • Onboard new clients faster
  • Make your reporting more consistent
  • Reduce repetitive work and minimize mistakes

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    Monise Milanese Branca
  • on 2024/07/18

New Date Range Setting: Fixed Start Date with Rolling End Date

We’ve added a new Date Range setting to help you track your campaigns more easily. Now, you can set a fixed start date, and the end date will update automatically.

For example, set the start date to when your marketing campaign began, and the end date will be updated daily to include today’s data. This way, your Databoard will always show you the entire duration of a campaign, from the start date to the most recent data.

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    Monise Milanese Branca
  • on 2024/07/16

Customize Your Forecasts, Then Save Them to Track Them Over Time

You can now adjust your forecasts to account for real-world factors like holidays, seasonality, and even financial events. Each forecast now includes a confidence score, giving you a clear picture of how reliable your predictions are. And, once you’ve made these changes, you can now save your Forecasts to reference them later.

Use this to: 

  • Track how your business is actually performing against predicted performance. 
  • Create more accurate quarterly or annual plans, while taking best and worst-case scenarios into account.
  • Evaluate the reliability of your Forecasts and make decisions with confidence.

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    Monise Milanese Branca
  • on 2024/07/11

Apply a Date Range to an Entire Databaord Loop

Now, you can apply the same date range setting to all Databoards in a Loop. Simply select the Date Range you want to view and check “Apply to Whole Loop”

For example, update your Marketing Performance Overview Loop to review data from “Last Month” or “Last 45 Days” across every dashboard in that loop.

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    Monise Milanese Branca
  • on 2024/07/01

New Integration: Ahrefs Enterprise

Connect Ahrefs Enterprise to Databox to craft better visualizations and more comprehensive SEO reports.

With our new integration, you’ll get access to over 70+ metrics to better understand your organic performance and fine-tune your SEO strategy, from Organic Keywords to Live Backlinks.

  • Add 40+ new metrics to dashboards to track your SEO progress over time, or view Ahrefs Enterprise data alongside other data from sources like GA4 and Google Search Console.
  • Create custom metrics like Top Pages By Country, Backlinks by Internal Pages, or Organic Keywords by Page, to analyze how your URLs, keywords, and pages are performing, and find opportunities to improve your rankings.
  • Share automated performance updates via email or Slack to keep your team or clients informed.

Connect Ahrefs Enterprise today!

Connect Now

⚠️ To connect Ahrefs Enterprise to Databox, you must be on an active Aherefs Enterprise subscription.

Need a hand? Explore our detailed guides:

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        Shafaq Zaidi
      • on 2024/06/04

      Improvements to the Way You Share and Present Reports

      You can now embed your Reports into other platforms or share them using a live link. When you do, recipients can interact with the data by hovering over daily values, adjusting the date range on a report slide, viewing annotations, and more. You can also adjust individual slides to a full-screen view.

      Use this update to:

      • Share a live link to present reports to stakeholders on a call, focusing their attention on key slides by hiding the sidebar and notes view.
      • Send the link to all attendees so they can further explore and interact with the data after the meeting.
      • Embed reports directly into your client portals, CRM systems, project management platforms, and more!

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        Shafaq Zaidi
      • on 2024/05/28

      New in Databox: Pinterest and Pinterest Ads

      Now you have all the tools you need to effortlessly monitor your organic reach, track ad performance, optimize spending, and make more informed decisions about your Pinterest strategy.

      • Build comprehensive dashboards to see all of your Pinterest and Pinterest Ads metrics in one place, or to view your Pinterest Ads performance alongside your other paid channels.
      • Drill down into campaign, ad group, or ad performance, and easily filter results by specific keywords to gain valuable insights.
      • Set and track goals for key metrics like ROAS, engagement, earned CTR, and more.
      • Combine data from different marketing platforms to create a custom metric like Total Ad Spend or Total Impressions.
      • Report campaign performance via Slack or email with Snapshots, Scorecards, Metric Digests, or Reports.

      Connect now

      Need a hand? Explore our detailed guides:

    • Guide: Using Pinterest Ads with Databox
    • Master Overview: Metric Builders for Pinterest Ads
    • Guide: Using Pinterest with Databox
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        Shafaq Zaidi
      • on 2024/05/27

      See Your Most Recent Data by Manually Refreshing Your Databoards 

      Need to see your most recent, up-to-date performance on a Databoard? Now you canmanually refresh your Databoards to ensure you’re looking at the latest possible data.

      For example, refresh your Databoards before important meetings to present the most current information. Or, visualize the latest spreadsheet data by manually triggering a sync.

      Manual refreshes are available up to 3 times a day. If you need more frequent syncs, you can purchase our 15-minute sync add-on.

      Try it Now

      Need a hand? Explore our detailed guide:

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        Shafaq Zaidi
      • on 2024/05/10

      Enable or Disable Public Access for Individual Databoards or Databoard Loops

      Users can now choose whether a Databoard or Databoard Loop is accessible through a public URL or an internal link.

      • Simply enable public sharing to allow anyone with the link to view the dashboard, regardless of whether they are a user in your account.
      • Or, disable the public URL and use the internal link to share your Databoards and Loops with specific users in your account.

      All newly created Databoards and Loops will be private by default. Existing Databoards and Loops will remain publicly accessible, but you can switch them to private using the new Public URL toggle.

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        Shafaq Zaidi
      • on 2024/05/09

      More Flexibility and Control Over Visualizations

      With our latest improvements, users can now assign a color to each dimension on the chart, making it easier for viewers to understand and engage with the data.

      For example, when analyzing a metric like Sessions by Country, you can choose a different color for each Country. Make Croatia green, the United States blue, Germany yellow, and more. 

      And now, you have even more options! You can pick from our preset colors or create your own metric and dimension colors by typing in a HEX code or using a color picker. This means you can match your charts to your brand’s colors or highlight important data with bright colors like red or green. Try it today and make your data look the way you want!

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        Shafaq Zaidi
      • on 2024/05/08

      Add a Median Value to Charts and Tables

      With our latest improvement, users can now add a median line to their bar and line charts or include the median value as an aggregation option in the table and pie visualizations.

      For example, add the media line to more accurately see where the “middle point” of your data lies. And get a clearer indication of what’s typical in your dataset.

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        Shafaq Zaidi
      • on 2024/05/07

      Work Faster, With Bulk Actions

      Updating or editing your account just got faster and easier. With our latest improvement, you can now perform actions in your account in bulk:

      • Add Metrics: Add important metrics to your dashboards and My Metrics screen all at once.
      • Favorite items: Quickly mark metrics, dashboards, and goals as favorites or remove them in bulk
      • Copy dashboards to client accounts: Select two or more dashboards and share them across multiple client accounts.
      • Add dashboards to loop: Easily select all the dashboards you want to include in your loop. Then, choose to create a new loop or add them to an existing one.
      • Hide dashboards on mobile devices: Select and hide multiple dashboards from the mobile app.
      • Apply tags: Organize items in bulk by adding tags to your metrics, dashboards, reports, and goals.
      • Delete items: Keep your workspace clean and organized by removing multiple dashboards, metrics, goals, notifications, and more, at once.

      Try it Now

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        Shafaq Zaidi
      • on 2024/04/25

      New in Databox: Amplitude

      Connect Amplitude to Databox and get valuable insights into your product and growth strategies. Understand user behavior, improve retention, and optimize engagement with your product.

      • Build dashboards to see all of your product data in one place, or to view your product’s performance alongside other platforms like Stripe, Google Analytics, Salesforce, and more.
      • Combine metrics from multiple platforms to create a custom metric like Lifetime Value (LTV) or Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC).
      • Set and track goals to help increase Active Users or improve Average Sessions per User.
      • Make more informed decisions about product development and user experience.
      • And more!

      Connect Now

      Or, explore our comprehensive list of Amplitude metrics here.

      Need a hand? Explore our detailed guides:

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        Shafaq Zaidi
      • on 2024/04/25

      Klaviyo: New Metrics and Improved Filtering Capabilities

      Gain more insights into your email marketing efforts with our latest Klaviyo improvements. 

      • 66 New Basic Metrics: Get a better understanding of your email performance by tracking metrics like Clicked Emails, Opened Emails, Marked Emails as Spam, and more. View the full list of Klaviyo metrics here.
      • Group by Dimensions: Add dimensions to your data to create metrics like Opened Emails by Campaigns or Messages Sent by Message ID.
      • Improved Filtering: Include filters to analyze the performance of Campaigns, Lists, Flow IDs, or Message IDs by keyword. For example, filter campaigns by the keyword “summer”.

      Connect Now

      Need a hand? Explore our detailed guides:

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        Shafaq Zaidi
      • on 2024/04/22

      New in Databox: Metric Insights

      No matter your role, you’re probably keeping a close eye on a handful of metrics. While you can track them on dashboards or receive notifications about their performance, sometimes you need to take a closer look at a specific metric to help you improve it.

      With the new Metric Insights screen, users can now access the information about a specific metric from one place:

      • Visualization: View your metric’s performance over time and easily switch between different chart types.
      • Goals: Track all goals associated with that metric and monitor your progress toward achieving them.
      • Metric Comparison: Compare your metric’s current performance to a specific time in the past.
      • Metric Description: View a brief description of your metric to help you better interpret your results.
      • Performance Summaries: Read updates on your metric’s performance, so you always know how it’s performing.
      • Benchmarks: Compare your metric’s performance against other companies, so you know if you’re ahead of the curve or have room to improve.
      • Forecasts: See how that metric is likely to perform in the future so you can make more informed decisions and craft better plans.

      The Metric Insights screen is available on all plans. However, features like Forecasts and Performance Summaries are exclusively available to users on Growth and Premium plans.

      View Metric Insights

      Want to learn more?

      Check out our blog for all the details.

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        Shafaq Zaidi
      • on 2024/04/08

      New in Databox: Benchmarks Line On Chart

      Charts are great for visualizing trends and patterns, but without a reference point, it’s hard to know what “good” or “bad” performance looks like.

      Now, users can add benchmark data directly onto their dashboard, to see how they’re performing compared to other companies. By including a benchmark line in a bar or line chart, users will be able to:

      • Compare performance against standard benchmarks, custom cohorts, or similar businesses.
      • Easily spot areas for improvement and make more informed decisions.
      • Track goals alongside benchmark lines to see if your efforts are moving you in the right direction.
      • Quickly see if you’re exceeding, meeting, or falling short of market tendencies.

      Benchmarks are available on Growth and Premium plans. Starter and Professional plan users can request a trial by clicking:

      Request a Trial

      Want to learn more?

      Explore our detailed guide: How do I add Benchmarks to my Databoards.

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        Monise Milanese Branca
      • on 2024/03/26

      New in Databox Analytics: Advanced Security

      Growing teams need more robust security measures, and the new Advanced Security settings can do just that.

      What’s included:

      • Forced 2FA (two-factor authentication): Reduce the risk of unauthorized access by forcing all users to complete an additional verification step.
      • Activity Log: Track all account activities, including adding/removing users, creating metrics, deleting dashboards, and more.
      • Active User Session: Monitor who’s accessing your account and where they are doing it from.
      • Login Records: Review successful and failed login attempts to detect unauthorized access.
      • Forced SSO (Single Sign-On): Ensure a more secure login experience through mandatory SSO for authorized users. 

      Advanced Security settings is available for purchase as an add-on to Account Owners and Admins on Starter, Professional, and Growth plans. Users on Premium plans will have access to all settings as part of their plan.

      Learn more about Advanced Security settings here.

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        Monise Milanese Branca
      • on 2024/02/29

      What’s new in Databox:

      • Upload Excel files directly to Databox

      Excel files can now be manually uploaded to Databox. Users can drag the Excel file onto the upload field to sync spreadsheet data without any authentication. Learn more about Excel upload here.

      • Get a detailed timeline of action taken in your account with the Activity Log

      The activity log, accessible in both the Account Management Application (AMA) and Analytics app, provides valuable insights for Admins regarding account changes:

      1. Activity Log in AMA: Monitor actions such as adding or removing users, updating company information, and adjusting other account settings. Use the search function or filters to pinpoint specific activities, improving the visibility of an individual’s usage.
      2. Activity Log in Analytics app: Identify actions such as adding dashboards, creating metrics and goals, deleting reports, and more. Use the search function or filters to pinpoint specific activities, improving the visibility of an individual’s account activity.

      • Customize Data Source sync time

      Admins can now customize the frequency at which Databox pulls data from Data Sources. They can choose from intervals such as 24 hours, 8 hours, 4 hours, and 60 minutes, based on the plan. Learn more about syncing frequencies here

      • Set weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly granulation for custom date ranges

      When selecting date ranges with custom start and end dates, users now have the option to view their data by week, month, quarter, or year.

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        Katja Pozeb
      • on 2024/01/09

      New in Databox Analytics: Benchmarks

      We added a new Benchmarks feature to the Databox Analytics app. With the Benchmarks feature, users can compare just about any metric in their account against competitors. And:

      • Create cohorts by applying filters like industry, company type, company size, and annual revenue to browse benchmark data based on what matters most to them.
      • Save their most important Benchmarks so they can see in which directions their metrics are moving.
      • Compare Benchmarks to the previous period to track how their performance changes over time.
      • Quickly see how they outrank competitors with color-coded charts – red when they're below the median, and green when they’re ahead.

      Benchmarks are available on Growth and Premium plans

      Explore Benchmarks

      Want to learn more?
      Check out our blog for all the details.

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        Katja Pozeb
      • on 2023/12/21

      Improvements that were released in December:

      • Apply Account Template changes to dashboards created from that template.
        Agency users can now quickly change their dashboards in multiple client accounts at once by applying changes made in the template from which the dashboards were created. Learn how to apply the changes here.

      • Option for agency users to copy the dashboard from one client account to another.
        Agency users can now select multiple client accounts from a dropdown and quickly share the dashboard without sending it to the Agency account first.

      • Option to create custom or calculated metrics straight from the metric select dropdown.
        Metrics can be created across the entire app directly from the metric select dropdown in the Designer, Performance screen, My Metrics screen, and more.

      • Added the option to set European number format
        By navigating to Account Management and scrolling to Account Settings, users can switch their decimal format between US and EU.

      • Added a Preview data button to the Google Sheets / Excel Metric Builder
        To speed up the process of creating metrics from Google Sheets and Excel, we added the option to manually preview the data.

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        Katja Pozeb
      • on 2023/12/01

      NEW visualization types and more powerful charts are here

      We've added new visualization types and improved existing charts to give users the flexibility to explore the data however they want. 

      Now users can:

      • Use advanced charts to make complex data easy to understand - Radial Progress, Spiderweb Diagrams, Bubble Charts, Data story, and more.
      • Add multiple metrics to a single visualization to see how different metrics relate.
      • Change the colors of individual Metrics to make it easier to identify growth opportunities.
      • Quickly switch between different visualization types to find the best way to represent your data.

      As part of this update, we've deprecated and transitioned some of the visualizations to the new visualization types.
      Read more about it here.

      Explore New Visualizations

      Want to learn more?
      Check out our blog for all the details.

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        Katja Pozeb
      • on 2023/11/21

      Managing users, permission, and settings just got a whole lot easier!

      With the new Account Management Application (AMA), we centralized all advanced settings in one place.
      Administration of the account just got easier:

      • Easily update account details, including the account owner and company information.
      • Add, delete, and edit user permissions across all Databox products.
      • Customize and brand your Databox account with white-labeling.
      • Manage client accounts, including details like account manager, user permissions, client name, and more.
      • Access advanced settings for your Data Source connections. Manage user permissions, metadata, timezone, and more.
      • Enable single sign-on (SSO) to improve security measures.

      For more details on how to use AMA, check out this help article.

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        Katja Pozeb
      • on 2023/11/14

      We have updated the Metric Library, making it a one-stop shop for learning about metrics and integrations directly within Databox app.

      Search the Metric Library to:

      • Get a detailed description of your metrics and integrations, including troubleshooting guides to help master the use of any integration.
      • Quickly access pre-built Dashboard templates to get ideas on what to track.
      • Find answers to common questions with help articles.

      Go to Metric Library now

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        Katja Pozeb
      • on 2023/11/07

      Access the Performance Screen on your phone with our latest Databox mobile app update.

      With this latest addition, you can easily:

      • Set up and monitor up to 10 metrics or goals.
      • Receive a comprehensive Performance Summary filled with valuable data insights and growth recommendations.
      • Keep an eye on your Top 5 trending up and Top 5 trending down metrics from your Metrics screen.
      • Stay in the loop with Insights Activity, Data Insights, Account Activity, and Recommended Content.

      Download or update your app today:

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        Katja Pozeb
      • on 2023/10/03

      Introducing Performance Summaries

      You don't have to be an 'expert' to get the insights you need from your data. Our brand-new Performance Summary tool makes this easier than ever!

      With the click of a button, you can:

      • Use color-coded indicators to quickly assess the performance of your most important metrics, goals, and dashboards.
      • Read a comprehensive summary of your performance to quickly understand where you're at.
      • Get actionable recommendations and ideas on how to move the needle on your most important metrics.
      • Use metric insights to stay on top of daily or weekly changes in your most important metrics and KPIs.

      Available on both Growth and Premium plans. Read more about the capabilities of the Performance summaries here.

      Try Performance Summaries now
      or contact customer support for a trial.

      Data integrations update

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        Aljaz Ramot
      • on 2023/09/25


      • BigCommerce: New Integration

      The new BigCommerce integration is live and available for all plans. BigCommerce is an e-commerce platform that enables businesses to build fully customisable online stores. It offers a range of features and efficient tools for selling products and managing store operations. BigCommerce integration allows you to obtain data from 24 metrics. View metrics

      • QuickBooks: New Metric Builder and New Metrics

      The new QuickBooks Metric Builder is live for all plans that support the feature. The feature enables you to dive deeper in to your Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet reports. In addition to the new Metric Builder we also added 24 new metrics, that are available for all plans: Cost of Goods Sold (Cash), Cost of Goods Sold (Cash) by Category, Cost of Goods Sold (Cash) by Subcategory, Cost of Goods Sold (Accrual), Cost of Goods Sold (Accrual) by Category, Cost of Goods Sold (Accrual) by Subcategory, Other Expenses (Cash), Other Expenses (Cash) by Category, Other Expenses (Cash) by Subcategory, Other Expenses (Accrual), Other Expenses (Accrual) by Category, Other Expenses (Accrual) by Subcategory, Net Other Income (Cash), Net Other Income (Accrual), Other Income (Cash), Other Income (Cash) by Category, Other Income (Accrual), Other Income (Accrual) by Category, Total Expenses (Accrual) by Subcategory, Total Expenses (Cash) by Subcategory, Expenses (Accrual), Income (Accrual), Income (Accrual) by Category, Income (Accrual) by Subcategory. View metrics

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          Katja Pozeb
        • on 2023/09/15

        We've introduced several improvements to the Databoard Designer for a smoother user experience:

        • The left panel became a Datablock Library with everything you need: An empty visualizations section and a Metric Library section. The Metric Library now offers enhanced filtering options, making it even simpler to find the metrics you need.
        • One-Click Metric Addition: You can now easily add a metric from the Metric Library to your databoard with just a single click, streamlining your workflow.
        • Enhanced Grid Flexibility: To provide greater flexibility when creating and customizing your Databoard, we've increased the granularity of the grid. Rather than the previous 8x4 grid, we now offer a more versatile 16x8 grid, allowing for more precise datablock resizing and layout adjustments.

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          Aljaz Ramot
        • on 2023/09/04


        • FreshBooks: New Integration

        The new FreshBooks integration is live and available for all plans. FreshBooks is a cloud-based accounting software designed for small businesses to manage invoices, track expenses, and streamline financial processes, offering features like time tracking and online payments. FreshBooks integration allows you to obtain data from 76 metrics. View metrics

        • ChartMogul: New Integration

        The new ChartMogul integration is live and available for all plans. ChartMogul is a subscription analytics platform and CRM used by thousands of businesses with recurring revenue to measure, understand, and grow their recurring revenue businesses. View metrics

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          Katja Pozeb
        • on 2023/07/10

        Web app update - NEW Metric Forecasts

        KPI forecasting is important for any business. It can guide decision-making, improve strategic planning, and provide a competitive advantage. But, reliable forecasting can be a complex and costly process. That’s why we are bringing you powerful new feature - Metric Forecasts.

        What can you expect?

        1️. Adjustable Forecasting Period: With custom periods for previous data and forecasted data, you can select the period of forecasting that suits your unique business needs.

        2️. Data Story: Uncover the context behind your existing data in a concise text format, facilitating effortless sharing with your team.

        3️. Enhanced Forecast Chart: See a forecast, complete with a confidence interval, alongside your goal line, and effortlessly monitor your goals 

        Start making informed decisions based on data-driven predictions with Metric Forecasts. 

        Try Metric Forecasts now
        or contact customer support for a trial.

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          Katja Pozeb
        • on 2023/05/22

        The Home screen replaced by the Performance screen
        New Intuitive interface to track and monitor key Metrics and Goals, providing users valuable insights to enhance decision making processes.

        What is new:

        • Merged Goals and Metrics section to new Performance Overview section where up to 10 Metrics and/or Goals can be added.
        • Enabled users to rearrange Metrics and Goals to suit their preferences.
        • Favorite Metrics and Goals don't automatically appear on the Performance screen so that users can focus only on most important KPIs.
        • Added new Trending Metrics section, allowing users to easily identify 10 Metrics from My Metrics page with the largest up and down changing trend.
        • All Metrics and Goals are clickable and lead to Metric Detail page for quick access to details.
        • Added new Recently Viewed items section for quick access to recently viewed Databords, Databoards Loops and Reports.
        • Established a foundation for future development, enabling the Performance Screen functionality expansion.

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          Katja Pozeb
        • on 2023/05/19


        • Moved “Handling multiple values saved for identical date/time” setting to Google Sheet / Excel Metric Builder manual setup screen.
        • Moved “Handling multiple values daved for identical date/time” setting to SQL Metric Builder manual setup screen.
        • Added tooltip with more information to “Handling multiple values daved for identical date/time” setting.
        • Added the warning to Metrics in Data Calculations when two Metrics with different time zones are used.

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          Katja Pozeb
        • on 2023/04/18

        Text editing options on Reports:

        • Added the possibility to change font (5 predefined fonts to choose from)
        • Added the possibility to change text color (22 predefined colors to choose from)
        • Added 2 additional paragraph styles (now 6 total to choose from)
        • Added the ability to increase/decrease indent of the text

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          Katja Pozeb
        • on 2023/04/07

        Improved Side-by-side Report slide type

        • Added the ability to add metric, image or text to left or right column
        • Added the possibility to change width of columns by simply dragging the divider left and right

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2023/03/17


        • Revert Sources Tooltip on the Clients Accounts page
        • Facelifted the Available Integrations page with a fresh and clean design, including adding all new Custom API integrations to the mix.

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2023/03/03


        • Renamed Query Builder to Metric Builder
        • Renamed the following pages:
          • Metrics to My Metrics
          • Query Builder to Custom Metrics
          • Data Calculations to Calculated Metrics


        • Changing the date range for non-admin users is now disabled on the Metric Performance Overview


        • Removed extra whitespace at the "select Public Template" page (after connecting the source)
        • Fixed opening advanced setup for Table on Reports side-by-side slide

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2023/02/20


        • Removed error indicators in the main menu for non-creator or non-owners
        • Removed visualization for account settings in the main menu and display only the user's Name
        • Unified Filter options across all pages and updated visualization when the filter is applied
        • Multiple minor changes to the table views including a Sticky header for column titles on list views
        • Updated Metric tiles on the Grid view
        • Updated Databoard tiles on the Grid view including removing Databoard created avatar and adding Databoard owner
        • Updated Databoard Account Template tiles and removed Databoard Account Template description and creator avatar
        • Updated Databoard Public Template tiles and removed Databoard Public Template creator avatar
        • Removed the "Built by" filter on the Databoard Public Templates page
        • Updated Goal tiles on the Grid view
        • Updated Report tiles on the Grid view
        • Removed Report Account Template creator avatar and description
        • Removed Report Public Template creator avatar
        • Replaced column names with icons on the Client Account page and removed the Data source info tooltip on the Client Account page


        • Fixed auto-updating list for Scheduled Snapshots
        • Added a more expansive space for the Custom metric names on a List view
        • Disable moving items when a filter is applied

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2023/01/20


        • A "Create New" option has been added to the end of the table in the List page views
        • The Metric Digest feature is now more exposed within the Metric Detail page and in the application's side menu


        • General changes have been made to the CTA buttons throughout the application
        • A tooltip with the full Metric name has been added when hovering over the Metric name in the Designer
        • Additional information has been added when adding a new Databoard slide when the maximum number of Databoards per Report has been reached
        • The unselected "Favorite" icon has been updated
        • The red background on Errored Data Sources has been removed


        • The account progress steps have been hidden for users with "Viewer" permission
        • The Loop Databoards promotion has been removed from the Share popup for users with "Viewer" permission

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2023/01/13


        • Added the smooth line setting in the Combo chart


        • Adding a sticky table header to list views
        • Removing Unit field selection if only one unit is available for the Metric digest
        • Showing forbidden action pop-up for unverified users when enabling 2FA
        • Hiding the "Ask Teammate to Connect" button for custom Data Source when the current user's email is not verified
        • Changing the "Explore Benchmarks Group" CTA button color
        • Removing the "New" flag from "Save as Template" under Databoard "more" drop-down options
        • Adding the "Add to Loop" option to the Databoard "more" drop-down options
        • Allowing Users with Editor permissions to edit Goals they have not created
        • Adding a tooltip on error number bubbles in the sidebar menu


        • Disabling 2FA sending if the email is not verified
        • Showing the creator's timezone instead of the current user's in Scheduled Snapshots and Report schedules

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2023/01/12

        Weekly Metric Digest

        In the sea of metrics that we are tracking, there are times that we miss a few. That’s why, once a week, we want to deliver this vital information of your most important metrics directly to your inbox.

        With the weekly delivered Metric Digest email, all the data will be right there. From there, it’s easy for you to see when the numbers are where they are supposed to be or take action that will result in better numbers down the line.

        Go to Notifications and set up your first Weekly Metric Digest.

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2022/10/28


        • Metric Details: date range boxes are now clickable
        • Metric Details: added a granulation selection to the date range dropdown
        • Metrics page: updated list view

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2022/10/14

        Metrics Detail page

        Individual metrics are now clickable on the Metrics page, so you no longer need to add them to dashboards in order to see more data. 

        The Metric detail page can be accessed by clicking on a metric on the Metric page, where a new window opens and a chart for that metric is displayed. On the page, you can switch between favored metrics and explore their data.

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        • on 2022/09/01


        1. Facelifted main and sub navigations - Yes, you see it right. We have changed the look of the left main and sub- navigations. 
        2. Added a Favorite option on Custom Metrics and Data Calculations
        3. Added option in bulk to “Remove from favorites” on the Metrics page


        1. Improved Metrics view on Mobile
        2. Added a tooltip when hovering over Databoard name
        3. Hid the “Quick help” popup when having multiple SQL metrics created

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2022/08/16


        • Updated designer Tour with animated onboarding bubbles
        • Reports: Added onboarding bubbles for the Data Story feature
        • Added days as delivery options for quarterly frequency for Scheduled Snapshot
        • Reports: added video to the blank feature page
        • Reports: added change indicators to compare Data Story element
        • Reports: added an additional text input confirmation for deleting the Report


        • General Metric search improvement
        • Reports: improved performance for Reports Pages
        • Reports: improved the position of the duplicated slide 
        • Reports: improved the display Compared to another Metric element
        • Reports: changed the "Add Report" function to use the last type used

        New feature: Reports

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2022/07/22


        A Report is a deck-like presentation that includes a combination of data, text, and images in order to add context and provide a record or story of your performance data. Rather than creating reports or presentations outside of the Databox app, this feature aims to help our users with the full process from data collection to presentation.

        Create your first report here.

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2022/07/13


        • New features added to the Databoard feature bar
        • Hide the “Trial Extension” and “Purchase Subscription” CTAs after the user adds credit card details on Trial
        • Hide the last sync on boards if any blocks still loading


        • Fixed the metric selected on the Client Performance Overview

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2022/07/01


        • Sticky filter line on the listing view pages
        • Added the "View Loop" option to the "Databoard Loop" feature bar in Designer


        • Improved popup for selecting Databoards
        • Changed the CTA button color on the Trial Expired popup
        • Increased the absolute max font size for blocks when streaming to TV
        • Updated blank feature pages with the Request Setup Help CTA


        • Fixed the overlap navigation arrows over the master Date Range on Looped Databoards public view

        Web app update

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2022/06/16


        • Added a CTA button to the Top bar notification to Request a Trial Extension for Trial users


        • Unified the filers order on Metrics in Goals pages
        • Changed the icons for the Help Center feature


        • Updated the CTA button in Top Bar when the payment fails

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2022/06/10


        • Improved the Help Center feature with the new menu and support options


        • Metric select popup: added option for creating New Custom or Calculated Metric
        • Metric select popup: renamed filter for selecting Data source
        • Updated the tooltip text for the Hourly Sync on the Billing page
        • Changed text in the Top bar notification about the saving amount with the Annual plan


        • The fullscreen icon was not visible on the embedded dark background on Databoards

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          Aljaz Ramot
        • on 2022/06/06


        The new TikTok Ads integration is live and available for all users. The integration comes with 96 basic metrics and a Query builder which is available on all plans that support it. 

        List of available metrics can be found here.

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2022/06/03


        • Added support for the PDF format for sending Databoard and Loop Databoards to Slack


        • Added a loader on the button when the "Start a Trial" button is clicked


        • Metric select popup: fixed the issue with highlighted Text when using the Search filter
        • Fixed the recipient display in App for scheduled Alerts

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2022/05/26


        • Added an unused Custom Metrics clean-up option to the billing page


        • The tag is automatically applied when is created


        • Adjusted dots size according to window width on Loop Databoards
        • Metric select popup: Prevent showing edit when scripts modal already open
        • Removed the pointer cursor when hovering over the "looped" icon for Loop Databoards on the Home screen

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2022/05/20


        • New Share Popup: Added the "Send to Email" and "Send to Slack" tabs to the Share popup
        • Add the option to open the original document in the Google Sheets and Excel Query Builder
        • Added a tooltip with the Databoard name when hovering Databoard Loop in the Designer
        • Added a CTA "Open in App" for Snapshots, Databoards, and Loop Databoards emails


        • Metric Select popup: saved Data Source filter on the popup
        • Added a missing info layer message when deleting users from the "resolve issues" popup


        • Prevent showing the colored dot on the Radial Progress chart when there are no values
        • Fixed the blank name when adding a new user
        • Fixed the Tags position on the Mobile browser
        • Fixed the smart hiding of icons in the left navigation

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2022/05/13


        • Added a new CTA for “Get free setup help” to the top bar for Free accounts


        • Metric Select popup: showing metrics from the connected Data Sources on the top of the list
        • Metric Select popup: added a focus mode on a Search box when opening a popup
        • Metric Select popup: improved the width on the Data Source dropdown
        • Added a tooltip on longer Google Sheets and Excel Data Source names in Wizard
        • Updated the Trial Expired popup CTA "Contact us" with "Book a Call"
        • Unified the Delete flow across all features


        • The Favorite section in the Metric Library is hidden if no metrics are favorited
        • Fixed the Mobile responsive view on iPads

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2022/05/06


        • Added New Metric Select Popup: the new combined Metric select allows the user to search through all Data Sources, filter by Metric Type, favorite metrics, and much more.
        • Added the Reauthorize option to the Data Source in the Data Manager
        • Added the "Favorite metrics" section to the Metric Library


        • A lower threshold for the Search box appears in the Data Source connection
        • Added an option to hide Insights Activity on the Home page


        • Fixed Loop Databoard navigational arrows on light background
        • Added the inverted dot color on the Mobile view

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2022/04/21


        • Added a loop time option to the "Edit loop" popup for the Loop Databoards


        • Improved the appearance and added an animation to dots on the Loop Databoards
        • Improved the slider direction arrows by moving them near dots on the Loop Databoards
        • Expanded the clickable area for adding a new Metric on the Metric Performance Overview page


        • Removed the New and Beta tags on the Share popup
        • Added a missing confirmation popup when changing the User permissions for Databoard

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2022/04/15


        • Changed the "Add favorite metrics" button to darker color
        • Added additional information to the popup when deleting Databoard Loop
        • Added a tooltip to the Alert preview
        • Decreased the Metric name length threshold for showing tooltip in Metric Library

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2022/04/08


        • Added an icon for "Resend invitation" to edit the User dropdown


        • Google Sheets/Excel Wizard: added tooltip information on the "Switch to Wizard" button when the Wizard is disabled
        • Google Sheets/Excel Wizard: the Query Builder form is opened when duplicating a custom metric

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2022/04/04


        • Added navigation arrows for switching between Boards and Loop Boards
        • Google Sheets and Excel Wizard: with this improvement, we offer you an alternative option for creating Google Sheets and Excel custom metrics and therefore made the flow much easier, and more guided.


        • Added the popup confirmation before deleting the Account
        • Added the "Purge data" option to custom metrics 

        Data integrations update

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          Aljaz Ramot
        • on 2022/04/04


        • Excel: new integration

        The new Excel integration is live and available for all plans that enable Query builders. Users are now able to access their Excel files through three storage providers, Google Drive, OneDrive and Dropbox, and create custom metrics based on those files. 

        Web app update

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2022/03/28


        • Added the Metric definition link to Data Calculations


        • Disabled option to add recipients when Email and Mobile are unchecked
        • Added information about the timezone when adding an Annotation


        • Fixed the visibility of Checkboxes with custom metrics when deleting Databoard

        Web app update

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2022/03/14


        • Improved onboarding flow for Signups from Templates
        • Updated text and landing page for Scorecard CTA button in Email

        Web app update

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2022/02/28


        • Hided Slack Integration for non-admins with the White-labeling feature enabled


        • Added new limit (100) for number of rows on Table blocks
        • Changed Withe-labeling sections order in Account settings 

        Data integration update

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          Aljaz Ramot
        • on 2022/02/24


        • Semrush: added 53 new metrics: Keywords in TOP 3 (without Organic Rankings); Keywords in TOP 3 (without Local Pack); Keywords in TOP 3 (without Hotels); Keywords in TOP 3 (without Local Pack or Hotels); Keywords in TOP 10 (without Organic Rankings); Keywords in TOP 10 (without Local Pack); Keywords in TOP 10 (without Hotels); Keywords in TOP 10 (without Local Pack or Hotels); Keywords in TOP 20 (without Organic Rankings); Keywords in TOP 20 (without Local Pack); Keywords in TOP 20 (without Hotels); Keywords in TOP 20 (without Local Pack or Hotels); Keywords in TOP 100 (without Organic Rankings); Keywords in TOP 100 (without Local Pack); Keywords in TOP 100 (without Hotels); Keywords in TOP 100 (without Local Pack or Hotels); Keywords Count by Landing Pages; Estimated Traffic by Landing Pages; Average Position by Landing Pages; Total Volume by Landing Page; Position by Keyword (Domain Organic); Previous Position by Keyword (Domain Organic); Position Difference by Keyword (Domain Organic); Search Volume by Keyword (Domain Organic); CPC by Keyword (Domain Organic); Traffic by Keyword (Domain Organic); Competition by Keyword (Domain Organic); Number of Results by Keyword (Domain Organic); Position by Keyword (Domain Adwords); Previous Position by Keyword (Domain Adwords); Position Difference by Keyword (Domain Adwords); Search Volume by Keyword (Domain Adwords); CPC by Keyword (Domain Adwords); Traffic by Keyword (Domain Adwords); Competition by Keyword (Domain Adwords); Number of Results by Keyword (Domain Adwords); Domain Rank; Domain Organic Keywords; Domain Organic Traffic; Domain Organic Cost; Domain Adwords Keywords; Domain Adwords Traffic; Domain Adwords Cost; Authority Score; Backlinks; Referring Domains; Backlink URLs Number; Referring IPs; Authority Score by Competitor; Competition Level by Competitor; Common Referring Domains by Competitor; Total Referring Domains by Competitor; Backlinks by Competitor. View metrics
        • Google Search Console: added new metric: Number of top 1000 Queries on Position Group. View metrics

        Web app update

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2022/02/18


        • Added new option at White-labeling settings to show the custom image on the Login page

        Web app update

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2022/02/11


        • Improved mobile visualizations: bigger graphs for Pie Chart, Funnel, and Radial progress


        • Master Date Range was occasionally not clickable at Looped Databoards preview

        Web app update

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2022/02/03


        • UI changes to the change/cancellation subscription popup. We have added additional information when you want to make changes to your plan.
        • Query Builder forms facelift: the metric preview is now available in all Query Builders.

        Web app update

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2022/01/28


        • Removed users count from Slack channels list
        • Added ability to remove selected dimensions in the Query Builder form
        • Added support for editing metadata for multiple clients at once


        • Updated flow when removing the selected dimension in Designer

        Web app update

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        • on 2022/01/24


        • Increased Info icon visibility for Rolling range in Date range drop down
        • Data source tile animation on hover
        • Show expanded description in Metric definition popup when description is already set
        • Improved performance for Advanced table with many rows
        • Improved Advanced table column sorting to first position


        • Positioning of the dummy data banner in mobile view
        • Chart size doesn’t adjust when Account progress sidebar is closed on the Metrics page
        • When connecting data sources with longer titles, text is outside the infolayer / when deleting such source title is outside popup
        • Incorrectly empty Databoard Loop in Designer

        Web app update

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        • on 2022/01/14


        • Support for sorting Looped Databoards from the bottom panel in Designer - you can now reorder Databoards by just drag & drop

        Web app update

        • Fixed Improved
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        • on 2021/12/24


        • Better visible Edit Custom metric button


        • Sorting by Benchmarks on the Clients page
        • Custom Fiscal Calendar setting not available for clients with Performer plan

        Web app update

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        • on 2021/12/17


        • Option to keep or purge existing data when custom metric setup is changed for Google Sheets and SQL integrations - we are bringing back support for keeping the existing data when making a change in those integrations
        • Support for selecting a custom Fiscal Calendar from the Account page (feature available for customers on the Performer plan)


        • Allow selecting specific dimensions for certain Datablocks (Advanced Table, Leaderboard, Single-source Table, Pie and Funnel chart)
        • Change destination text from “Switch to destination” according to the context

        Web app update

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        • on 2021/12/10


        • Support for favoriting Looped Databoards
        • Showing Favorited Looped Databoards on Home


        • Scorecards: Showing new blank row when Data source is selected


        • Problem with showing ” character in drop-downs
        • Agency users could not connect Slack in client accounts
        • Mobile: Menu cut off
        • Mobile: Account progress not centered

        Web app update

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        • on 2021/12/03


        • Added option to sort tables by columns (except on pages that have reordering - excluded are Databoards, Metrics, Goals)
        • Handling unsaved changes on Accounts page when leaving the page


        • Improvements to Funnel & Pipeline font sizes


        • Setting the correct "content-type" for uploaded images

        Web app update

        • New Fixed Improved
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        • on 2021/11/29


        • Added Full-screen view option to Looped Databoards
        • Added option to sort available data source integrations by popularity or alphabetically


        • Removed VAT field for Client accounts
        • Sorting data sources in the drop-down lists always alphabetically


        • A Multi-tab Datablock with a single tab should be the same height as a normal line chart
        • Data calculation “Retain metric setting” now correctly marks form as changed
        • Change % is hidden on Multi-tab Datablock tabs if multiple dimensions are displayed
        • White-label Add-on: Bug on user profile page (avatar upload)

        Data Integrations update

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2021/11/22


        • ActiveCampaign: added new metrics: Deals Amount by Stage, Won Deals Amount by Stage, Open Deals Amount by Stage, Lost Deals Amount by Stage. View metrics

        Web app update

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        • on 2021/11/19


        • New option to filter Data source connection by status
        • New Left-Right Arrows to switch Databoards when they are Looped


        • Query Builder layout improvement (position of the maximize icon and layout)
        • Showing more Data source tiles on the Available Data sources page
        • Move “Restrict non-admin users from adding new DS” and “Invoice memo” to billing page


        • More predictable Gauge chart sizing
        • “Edit” button for Custom Metrics inside Data calculations was not visible
        • Bug with two of the same Data sources listed in Data source dropdown
        • Progress bar sizing & radial Progress title fix
        • Removing Account progress badge download link for Client accounts

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        • on 2021/11/12


        • Option to create another Loop in the “Loop panel” in Designer
        • Clear icon to clean the search input
        • Performing validation on file select (Google Sheets) - warning disappears when file is selected
        • Bigger "Edit" button on Custom and Calculated metrics - to be more visible


        • Right sidebar in Designer not anchored to the right side on bigger screens
        • “Update payment” button not working in some cases

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        • on 2021/11/05


        • Option to purge data for individual Custom metrics from Google Sheets
        • Showing credit card failure messages in case the payment fails (i.e. Insufficient funds,…)


        • Mobile: Showing Databoard title in two lines to prevent overflowing the hamburger icon
        • Better visibility when switching between Client accounts
        • Change “Compare” to “Comparison period” labels


        • Bug with missing designer Datablock sidebar after redirect [Task]
        • Mobile: iOS Auto-zooming on float labels
        • Mobile: iOS selecting text on hover
        • Showing the column for Tags on the Clients page

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        • on 2021/10/29


        • Showing the “footer” on Templates together with the sticker “Random data”


        • Redirecting to the created Databoard after using a Public Template
        • Browser’s “Back action” in Designer when Datablock was selected
        • Bug with not recognizing Datablock selection in Designer
        • Recognizing scale zero for chart's Y-axis number formatting

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2021/10/25


        • ActiveCampaign: added new metrics: Unique Link Clicks by Campaign, Total Link Clicks by Campaign, Send Date by Campaign, Won Deals, Won Deals Amount. View metrics
        • Freshdesk: new integration

        The new Freshdesk integration is live and available for all plans. The integration has an implemented query builder with which users can obtain data for custom fields set for their Support Tickets and many more. View metrics

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2021/10/22


        • Appfigures: new integration

        Appfigures is an intelligence platform for mobile apps and games that brings together download and revenue analytics, review management, App Store Optimization tools, and Competitive Intelligence into one powerful solution. Appfigures integration allows you to obtain data for 150+ metrics for 5 different integrations: App Store Connect, Google Play, Amazon Appstore, Windows Store, and Steam. View metrics

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        • on 2021/10/22


        • Fixing the overall conversion rate in case inverted metrics have been used on the Pipeline chart
        • Fixing the ability to connect Slack in case it has been connected already for another user in the account

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        • on 2021/10/15


        • Requesting Goals data only for Favorite Goals on Home screen
        • Renaming the "Knowledge Base" into the "Help Center"
        • Showing Hide/Show icon on password fields
        • More visible "Setup goal" link in the Datablock properties (Designer)


        • Double “plan” name on the limitations popup
        • Fixing the default Looped Databoards title
        • Fixing the Databoard loop Shareable URL  opening up in two windows

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2021/10/11


        • Google AdMob: added new metrics: Match Rate & Show Rate (by Ad Unit, by Country, by Platform, by App, by Format); Estimated Earnings, Clicks, Impressions, Impressions RPM, Impressions CTR, Network Requests, Network Request RPM & Network Requests Matched (by App, by Ad Type, by Format). View metrics

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        • on 2021/10/08


        • Marked integrations that are already connected in the account
        • Showing information about max 20 dimensions on the Query Builder preview
        • Mobile: Dark theme support for Scorecards


        • Mobile: Title of the alert color changed on Notifications screen

        Data Integrations update

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2021/10/04


        • Google Sheets: Added support for Custom Date Ranges.
        • SQL integrations (MySQL, Postre SQL, Snowflake, Amazon Redshift, Microsoft SQL Azure, Microsoft SQL Server, Google Big Query): Raised the row limit from 1,000 to 10,000 rows

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        • on 2021/10/01


        • Dismiss / close option added to the top bar for inactive users notification
        • Deprecated support for IE 11


        • Edit button not aligned with info icon on Calculated and Custom metrics at Designer

        Web app update

        • New Fixed Improved
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        • on 2021/09/27


        • Duplicate metric option to Custom metrics
        • Tooltip support on Progress bar Datablock type


        • Pipeline Datablock: Support for turning off overall conversion rate
        • Showing tooltip when hovering text on Custom Date Range dropdown
        • Bunch of fixes and improvements for mobile apps


        • Datablock title now has enough space to accomodate diacritic marks
        • Not showing float buttons in Designer panels (My metrics, Metric library)

        Web app update

        • New Improved
        • U
          Urška Premzl
        • on 2021/09/17


        • New Datablock visualization: Radial Progress Bar


        • Prevent closing "Store Value" popup after "Store value" button is clicked 
        • Border color and radius for dark mode input and select
        • Undefined Datablock ID in public URL when preview was requested
        • Free user can add Data Calculations or Custom metrics from Metrics Library to My Metrics without starting Trial or subscribing
        • Overlay applied to Table Datablock's sticky header on Databoards with light theme
        • Increased line-height for Datablock titles to avoid cutting off special signs
        • A bunch of UI and UX improvements and bugfixes for mobile pages

        Data Integrations update

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2021/09/13


        • LinkedIn Ads: added new metrics: Bid, Bid by Campaign, Bid by Campaign Group, Daily Budget, Daily Budget by Campaign, Daily Budget by Campaign Group. View metrics

        Data Integrations update

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2021/09/03


        • Google Search Console: new query builder

        New query builders for HubSpot Marketing and HubSpot CRM are live and available for all paid plans. Users are now able to additionally filter data including by search types in Databox for all metrics.

        Web app update

        • New Improved
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        • on 2021/08/31


        • “Edit metric definition” links added to Metrics, Query Builder and Data Calculations


        • Prevent rendering charts on Metrics if there is just one data point
        • Added hover background color on the Date range switcher on Goals and Metrics
        • Responsive layout improvements (positioning, styles, overflowing on mobile size screens)
        • Exposed option to create new option items in Multi-select dropdown

        Data Integrations update

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2021/08/30


        • HubSpot CRM: new query builder (Custom Company Properties)
        • HubSpot Marketing: new query builder (Custom Contact Properties)

        New query builders for HubSpot Marketing and HubSpot CRM are live and available for all paid plans. Users are now able to choose and filter data in Databox from the custom Contact and Company properties set in their HubSpot account.

        Data Integrations update

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2021/08/30


        • Postgre SQL: Added support for Custom Date Ranges.
        • Microsoft SQL Server: Added support for Custom Date Ranges.
        • MySQL: Added support for Custom Date Ranges.
        • Microsoft Azure: Added support for Custom Date Ranges.
        • Google BigQuery: Added support for Custom Date Ranges.
        • Amazon Redshift: Added support for Custom Date Ranges.
        • Snowflake: Added support for Custom Date Ranges.

        Data Integrations update

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2021/08/27


        • Pipedrive CRM: new query builder

        Pipedrive CRM query builder is live and available for all paid plans. Users are now able to choose the custom set Pipedrive CRM filter in Databox which allows them additional filtering data. 

        Web app update

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        • on 2021/08/20


        • New option to manually push values to metrics in Custom sources, Zapier and Integromat. You can access it via Metric library, then selecting your custom source and finally selecting the "Store values" option on the specific metric.


        • Share Databoard popup (bigger fonts, terminology changes)

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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2021/08/16


        • Pipedrive CRM: added new metrics: Deals Lost Amount, Deals Lost Amount by Deal Owner, Deals Lost Amount by Deal Creator, Deals Lost Amount by Reason. View metrics
        • Xero: added new metrics: Bank Fees, Quotes Sent, Quotes Declined, Quotes Accepted, Quotes Invoiced, Quotes Sent Value, Quotes Declined Value, Quotes Accepted Value, Quotes Invoiced Value. View metrics

        Web app update

        • New Fixed Improved
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        • on 2021/08/13

        The recent web app update includes a facelift with focus on accessibility and readability (larger fonts, better contrasts and dozens of small UI changes).

        Also included in the release:

        • Option to change fontsizes on Datablocks
        • Prevent clearing the Scheduled Snapshots popup while switching between tabs on Share popup
        • Always showing the Date range select in new row on smaller Datablocks
        • Don’t mark the current calendar period (month, quarter) for customers with custom fiscal calendars enabled

        Web app update

        • New Fixed Improved
        • Avatar
        • on 2021/07/30


        • Time sections / dividers added to the Insights stream


        • Onboarding flow steps changes
        • Compare value and visualizations update on Datablocks
        • Metrics Library Action button change and added 'deselect all' option
        • SSO help article clickable even when feature is locked
        • Metric definition popup changes
        • Display calculated monthly prices when on a quarterly or yearly plan
        • More reliable goal proportional calculations


        • Reconnect in info layer not working for Data calculations
        • Updating Scorecard preview not working
        • Correctly showing the prices when downgrading a plan
        • Correctly hide goal proportional switch for noReset metrics
        • Query Builder error issue

        Data Integrations update

        • Improved
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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2021/07/19


        • Pipedrive CRM: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
        • Stripe: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
        • SharpSpring: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
        • Intrix CRM: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics

        Data Integrations update

        • Improved
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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2021/07/12


        • Jira: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
        • Copper: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
        • QuickBooks: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
        • Jira: Changed the authentication from Basic to OAuth.

        Web app update

        • Fixed Improved
        • Avatar
        • on 2021/07/09


        • Added option to purge data for custom metrics
        • Added "Edit" option for custom metrics in the right Designer sidebar (opens up the Metric definition popup)


        • Fixing the state of the "Ensure Unique" option in the Metric definition popup to be turned on by default
        • Correctly refreshing metric dropdown tabs when switching between Datablocks
        • Show user role choice when inviting users with forced SSO option
        • Custom Databoard color with the Greyscale-black theme now has dark text
        • Goal chart not correctly showing colors for inverted metrics
        • Overlapping info and edit options in the Advanced popup's metric dropdown

        Data Integrations update

        • Improved
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          Ziga Potocnik
        • on 2021/07/05


          • Mixpanel: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
          • Google Play: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
          • Teamwork: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics

          Web app update

          • New Fixed Improved
          • Avatar
          • on 2021/06/18


          • Tooltip with and explanation added to the "First day of week" dropdown on the General Account page
          • Focusing just added Datablocks in the Designer


          • Not showing charts on the Home and Metrics page, when only one data point is retrieved
          • Ability to set invoice email recipients before first charge
          • Improved Scorecard layout


          • Fixing the "Filter by data source" functionality on the Custom Queries page

          Web app update

          • Fixed Improved
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          • on 2021/06/17


          • Scorecard design update


          • Fixing a bug that occurred on accounts with expired trial
          • Fixing a bug that occurred on accounts with failed payments
          • Fixing display status for overdue invoices

          Web app update

          • New Fixed Improved
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          • on 2021/06/11


          • Master date range option added to Scheduled Snapshots


          • Increased button visibility for adding new tabs on Multi-tab Datablock
          • Markdown editor bullets instead of asterisks for bullet list
          • Updated slider for Agency Accounts on Plans page
          • Onboarding improvements for new users


          • Fixed a bug where wrong granulation has been set on Metrics
          • Fixed account progress information on Account overview page

          Data Integrations update

          • Improved
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            Ziga Potocnik
          • on 2021/05/31


          • Vimeo OTT: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
          • Twitter Ads: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
          • Facebook Groups: improved communication when the user's account doesn't have any groups associated with it.
          • Google Analytics: improved communication when the user's account doesn't have any properties associated with it.
          • Google Analytics 4: improved communication when the user's account doesn't have any properties associated with it.

          Data Integrations update

          • New Fixed Improved
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            Ziga Potocnik
          • on 2021/05/24


          • PayPal: added new metric: Average Selling Price. View metric



          • Pardot: fixed connector, changed the authentication from Basic to OAuth, and introduced the new connect flow. Learn more

          Data Integrations update

          • New Improved
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            Ziga Potocnik
          • on 2021/05/10


          • BitBucket: added seven new metrics: New Open Issues, New Other Issues, New Issues by Kind, New Open Pull Requests, New Superseded Pull Requests, New Declined Pull Requests, New Merged Pull RequestsView metrics


          • BitBucket: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
          • StackAdapt: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics

          Data Integrations update

          • Improved
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            Ziga Potocnik
          • on 2021/05/03


          Web app update

          • Fixed Improved
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            Ziga Pirs
          • on 2021/04/30


          • Improved Datablock loader visibility on light backgrounds
          • Improved Scorecard preview design
          • Empty dimensions are now skipped on Tooltip that is showing multiple dimensions


          • Two divider lines in profile popup when user isn’t onboarded yet
          • Snapshot button in View Databoard mode not working correctly

          Web app update

          • New Fixed
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            Ziga Pirs
          • on 2021/04/23


          • Transferred Databoards are now tagged as “new” when accepted
          • Hover opacity change for better visibility on Funnel and Pipeline Charts


          • Top portion of Custom Date Range picker popup cut off
          • Incorrect Pie Chart total value scaling
          • Incorrect display of negative values in Bar Chart

          Data Integrations update

          • New Improved
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            Ziga Potocnik
          • on 2021/04/19


          • AccuRanker: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
          • Eventbrite: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics


          • Vimeo: Added new metric: Total Videos. View metric
          • Semrush: Updated integration branding and name from SEMrush to Semrush. View integration
          • Microsoft Advertising: Updated integration branding and name from Bing Ads to Microsoft Advertising. View integration

          Web app update

          • New Fixed Improved
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            Ziga Pirs
          • on 2021/04/15


          • Confirmation popup added when disabling custom domain
          • Information that preview data is limited to a maximum of 20 dimensions per period when using Query Builder with CDR enabled metrics added


          • Tooltip and paddings adjusted on Goal and Metric Charts
          • Compare line option is now hidden when “All Time” date range is selected
          • Manage tags popup now supports revert and does not autosave changes
          • Color improvement for change percentage on Scorecard and Alert previews
          • Improved Chart tooltip compare text to reduce width


          • Table row limit input not updating correctly
          • Incorrect Gauge maximum value scaling
          • Favorite Metrics at Home page moving when hovering above them
          • Incorrect font styling in Annotations
          • Scorecard changes overwriting custom date ranges or compare value
          • Chat widget not being removed when non-admin user switched to the whitelabeled client account
          • Goal value at Progress bar not being visible on a white background
          • Adding multiple metrics from My Metrics view to Account Template not working properly
          • Incorrect bar order on Bar Chart when data changed
          • No data being shown in Advanced settings when dimensional metric was used on x-axis Bar Chart

          Mobile app update (Android)

          • Fixed Improved
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            Ziga Pirs
          • on 2021/04/14


          • Improved Line Charts display by removing chart "tails"


          • Alert not opening after receiving the Alert notification
          • Scorecard not opening from Insights or after receiving the Scorecard notification
          • Combo chart not scaling Y-axis correctly

          Mobile app update (iOS)

          • Fixed Improved
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            Ziga Pirs
          • on 2021/04/14


          • Improved Favorite Metrics change value visibility


          • A Bar Chart visualization bug when turning auto-scale on
          • Pie Chart total value being turned off for new blocks

          Data Integrations update

          • Improved
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            Ziga Potocnik
          • on 2021/04/06


          • ProfitWell: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
          • Semrush: Changed the authentication from Basic to OAuth. Learn more
            With this improvement, all Semrush users will not have to purchase API units anymore in order to retrieve data to Databox. Additionally, all Semrush data sources will be synced once per day regardless of the user's plan.

          Web app update

          • New Fixed Improved
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            Ziga Pirs
          • on 2021/03/31


          We've added 7 significant improvements to our Charts:

          1. Improved Funnel Charts with a support for the compare period and an option to reorder steps.

          2. Improved Pipeline Charts with a support for the compare period and an option to reorder steps.

          3. Improved Heatmap with buckets that are now responsive in size and an option to show values for each bucket.

          4. Compare period added to Pie Charts in the tooltip and visually when hovering a pie slice.

          5. My Metrics and Goal Charts are improved and now consistent with other Charts.

          6. An option to manually set scaling value for Y-axis on Line, Bar and Combo Charts.

          7. An option to reorder columns in Advanced Table.


          • Added an option to reorder rows on Scorecard
          • Changed placeholder images for Query Builder and Data Calculations pages


          • Custom Data Source type being displayed as the Data Source name

          Data Integrations update

          • Improved
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            Ziga Potocnik
          • on 2021/03/29


          • App Store Connect: Added support for sources with enabled 2-factor authentication. From now on, all data sources with or without 2FA enabled can be connected to Databox. Learn more

          Web app update

          • New Fixed
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            Ziga Pirs
          • on 2021/03/26


          • Added “How to set the Format” help article to the “Create number format” popup


          • Text link at the top banner not vertically aligned
          • Unit on a Combo chart being applied to both Y-axes if a metric on a Bar chart had units
          • Links within Databoards opening two tabs

          Data Integrations update

          • Improved
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            Ziga Potocnik
          • on 2021/03/22


          • WooCommerce: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
          • Vimeo: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
          • Google AdSense: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
          • Google AdMob: Updated brand visualization.

          Web app update

          • Fixed Improved
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            Ziga Pirs
          • on 2021/03/18


          • Aligned "Upgrade more" and "Learn more" texts in Tooltips


          • Removed "Databox" mentions and help links for non-admin Whitelabeling users

          Data Integrations update

          • Improved
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            Ziga Potocnik
          • on 2021/03/15


          • Campaign Monitor: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
          • Bing Ads: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
          • Google AdMob: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics

          Web app update

          • Fixed Improved
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            Ziga Pirs
          • on 2021/03/12


          • Query Builder preview loader now hides on timeouts and errors
          • Updated text on the most recent data update info window
          • Hiden account progress for all non-admins in Whitelabeled accounts


          • Incorrect tooltip position when opening/closing panels in the Designer
          • Barchart color not updating after a metric change
          • Wrong Datablock positions and sizes after creating a Databoard from the Metrics window
          • Fixed occasional error when selecting a metric for the first time at Data Calculation

          Data Integrations update

          • Improved
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            Ziga Potocnik
          • on 2021/03/08


          • Facebook Groups: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
          • Help Scout Docs: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
          • Help Scout Mailbox: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
          • Intercom: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics

          Web app update

          • Fixed Improved
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            Ziga Pirs
          • on 2021/03/05


          • Improved label positioning on X axis
          • Improved display of values on Pie charts
          • Metrics now keep selected Date range when added to Databoard from My Metrics view


          • Pie chart's inner shadow and value positions

            Web app update

            • New
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              Ziga Pirs
            • on 2021/03/01


            • Displaying a loader while the data is loading
            • Showing the most recent data update time on Metrics page, Datablocks and Databoards
            • Error messaging when the data could not be fetched properly

            Web app update

            • Fixed Improved
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              Ziga Pirs
            • on 2021/02/26


            • Display in a stacked chart tooltip now showing only selected dimensions
            • Visually more appealing total metric value on line, bar and table charts
            • Improved pie chart sizing


            • Units not showing on Y axis when applicable
            • Accidentally overwriting original chart when switching layers on a Multi-tab block
            • Databox mentioned at Client’s account progress Loop Databoards article and when uploading an avatar
            • Fixing a display of a gauge value under one
            • Fixing a progress bar when creating a Snapshot
            • Activity message for Annotations not supporting markdown
            • Pie charts with multiple units showing unit in the total value
            • Old Compare design on advanced tables
            • The total value on some pie charts being out of proportion

            Data Integrations update

            • New Improved
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              Ziga Potocnik
            • on 2021/02/22


            • Adobe Analytics: Introduced the new connect flow. Learn more


            • Adobe Analytics: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
            • HubSpot Marketing: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
            • HubSpot CRM: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
            • Xero: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
            • Xero: Changed the Authentication from OAuth 1.0 to OAuth 2.0

            Web app update

            • New Fixed Improved
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              Ziga Pirs
            • on 2021/02/18


            • Added option to include hyperlinks in Annotations


            • Removed limitation for compare with Custom Date Range
            • Added option to send Databoard to multiple Clients at once (for Agency accounts)
            • Updated Scorecard preview design (now same as Scorecard email)
            • Improved legend sizing and legend item title shortening
            • Limitation added when dragging Datablocks to Databoard in Mobile view


            • False connected sources counting when onboarding
            • Different Scorecard “compare” and “compared to” values
            • Values on preview not updating when editing Custom metric from Scorecard setup window
            • “Copy of” text disappearing when duplicating Google Sheets Custom metric
            • Goal title not deleting with backspace in Goal setup window

            Web app update

            • Fixed Improved
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              Ziga Pirs
            • on 2021/02/11


            We've added 11 significant improvements to our Charts:

              1. Improvements to the Functional legend and option to toggle specific metrics or dimensions on and off.

              2. Improved interaction when selecting lines, showing a vertical line while snapping to the nearest line/point.

              3. Better Comparisons display when there are multiple metrics/dimensions on the same chart.

              4. A new way of showing Annotations, which are now located along the X-axis for better visibility and interaction.

              5. A new chart design where "tails" are removed, resulting in clearer and more transparent line charts.

              6. A new tooltip design for an easy and automated way of translating your data visualization into mini insights.

                New tooltip design for a unstacked bar chart:

                New tooltip design for a stacked bar chart:

              7. A new option to smoothen the lines on the line charts, making them simpler and easier to understand, resulting in even better trends data tracking.

              8. A new option to show data values for line, bar, combo and pie charts to see the values as quick as possible.

              9. A new option to hide total metric value above line, bar and combo charts.

              10. Improved pie chart labels display with curved lines for better and more transparent visualization.

              11. Better display of incomplete periods in line and bar charts, with such periods marked as dotted lines/dashed bars.


              • Negative values on current stacked line/bar charts
              • Fixing the bug where Y-axis labels were overlapping bars and where X-axis were overlapping the legend

              Web app update

              • Fixed Improved
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              • on 2021/02/05


              • For accounts with special fiscal calendars enabled, show “Month 1” instead of “January” when setting up goals
              • Setting default compare functions (percentage & ratio)
              • Date range picker - changed default selection from “Last 2 weeks” to “Last 30 days without Today selected”
              • Hide goal Metric setting for Progress Datablock visualization in Advanced Settings


              • Showing discard button when nothing has been changed in the Data calculation popup

              Web app update

              • New Fixed Improved
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              • on 2021/01/29


              • Option to “Clear whole column” on Clients Metric Performance Overview
              • Option “Add to Metrics” on Data calculations and Custom metrics page 


              • New schedule option: Deliver Scorecards and Scheduled Snapshots on multiple days - to support more flexibility and support the use-case of sending it only on weekdays


              • Deleting Databoards from the Databoard loop (Carousel) was slow in Firefox
              • Long email was overlapping in the "Account owner" section - making the Account details page responsive to wider screen sizes

              Mobile app update (Android)

              • New Fixed Improved
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              • on 2021/01/25


              • Markdown support for Text Datablocks


              • Improvement for accessing Client accounts


              • Error when switching Databoards' mobile visibility
              • Fixing a bug where Total values have been displayed on Pie charts when turned off
              • Fixing a bug when switching to a Client account sometimes resulted in missing data on Databoards

              Web app update

              • New
              • Avatar
              • on 2021/01/22


              • The “Rolling range” option added to the calendar view (from - to)
              • Support for editing the title of a Scorecard inline (on the Scorecard listing) 
              • Adding search to the "Switch client" dropdown
              • Reordering Datablocks with arrows (up/down) on the mobile Databoard view in Designer

              Data Integrations update

              • New Fixed Improved
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                Ziga Potocnik
              • on 2021/01/18


              • Google Ads: added Conversion Type dimension to the Query Builder. View metrics


              • Google My Business: improved communication when the user's account doesn't have any locations associated with it. Learn more
              • YouTube: improved communication when the user's account doesn't have any channels associated with it. Learn more
              • Google Analytics: improved communication when the user's account doesn't have any properties associated with it. Learn more
              • Google Analytics: improved communication when the user's account doesn't have any views associated with it. Learn more


              • Google Play: fixed connector, changed the authentication from Basic to OAuth, and added the additional fields to login (App ID and Bucket ID).

              Clean-up your unused Custom & Calculated Metrics

              • New
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              • on 2021/01/13

              To optimize performance in your Account, we recommend that you remove unused Custom and Calculated Metrics. Speed up the process and let our clean-up wizard do the removal for you.

              Start Clean-up Wizard

              Data Integrations update

              • New Improved
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                Ziga Potocnik
              • on 2021/01/04


              • Infusionsoft by Keap: new integration. View metrics
              • Adobe Analytics: added new metric: Return Visit by Frequency. View metric  


              • Google Analytics: Improved communication for segments in Query Builder. Learn more
              • Improved metric descriptions for Calculated metrics on Custom Date Range enabled data sources.

              Web app update

              • New Fixed Improved
              • Avatar
              • on 2020/12/23


              • Option to hide/dismiss the yearly upgrade notification banner on the top


              • When switching the date range, the optimal granulation is preselected
              • Loading Goals and Metrics data incrementally and asynchronous (loading one by one)
              • Improved Scorecard email layout


              • Fixing a bug when using the "Restrict ability to view additional Date Ranges for external viewers" option for Shareable links - users from other Databox accounts have been treated as non-anonymous users
              • Fixing a bug when switching the Date range in the Google Sheets Query Builder form
              • Fixing a input field validation bug in the Google Sheets Query Builder form 

              Web app update

              • Fixed Improved
              • Avatar
              • on 2020/12/18


              • Showing "Deselect all" option when all metrics are selected on the Metrics page
              • Always lowercase custom domain and email custom domain on the White-labeling settings page


              • Bug with incorrect dates in the date range selector
              • Bug with dimensions not resetting when changing metrics
              • Bug with showing incorrect "time left" on the Progress Datablock

              Data Integrations update

              • New Fixed Improved
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                Ziga Potocnik
              • on 2020/12/07



              • Sendgrid: support 2FA connections. Learn more
              • Drift: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
              • CallRail: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
              • Google Analytics: Up to "Last 30 days" of historical data is supported with hourly granulation.


              • Fixed the comparison to the 'same period last year' for Total Number.

              Web app update

              • Fixed Improved
              • Avatar
              • on 2020/12/04


              • Validating Query Builder required fields when they are visible on the form
              • Remember currently visible Databoard in the "Shareable link" URL
              • Improvements for the mobile layout (Responsive)


              • Resizing fix for the Compare number Datablock type
              • Fixing the Advanced table row limit setting
              • Fixing bug(s) with Date ranges on the Client KPIs page

              Web app update

              • Fixed Improved
              • Avatar
              • on 2020/11/27


              • Showing button to create new custom Token if there is no Token created for Integromat/Zapier yet
              • Redirect users to Databoards page when signup is made from Public Template directory
              • Hide "Add metric" button when any Metric is selected
              • Leave Cumulative set when using the Master Date range switcher


              • Internet Explorer 11 login issues
              • Internet Explorer 11 styling issues
              • Showing correct Data source connection when selecting Data calculation metrics
              • Removing Databox logotype and copy in Account Progress for non-admins, when White-labeling is enabled
              • Fixing a bug when entering manual color codes into the color picker

              Data Integrations update

              • New Fixed Improved
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                Ziga Potocnik
              • on 2020/11/23


              • Google Analytics: added new metric: Sessions by Goal Completion Location. View metric


              • CallRail: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
              • SQL's: Improved communication in Query Builder's Helpbox. Learn more


              • Facebook Ads: improved Pixel's Query Builder layout.

              Web app update

              • Fixed Improved
              • Avatar
              • on 2020/11/23


              • Show full Databoard name in Designer's top panel
              • Layout improvements for the onboarding on a mobile device (responsive)
              • Search added to recommended templates for Integromat


              • Fixing a bug where agency users have been shown as inactive in client accounts
              • Overlapping of main navigation items on the 'Account' page
              • Fixing a problem when trying to reorder large Datablocks in the Designer (mobile view)

              Web app update

              • Fixed
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              • on 2020/11/19

              We have temporarily disabled the functionality to request a new data source connection via email for free accounts due to spamming issues. We will re-enable the functionality in the following days.

              Web app update

              • Fixed
              • Avatar
              • on 2020/11/12


              • Metric key name autosaving on every character fix
              • Positioning of Public Templates - bottom part was cut off
              • A fix for showing the “Edit” link on Shareable links
              • Fixing duplicate placeholder characters on the Data calculations popup
              • A fix for “Remember me” on Login when 2-Factor authentication (2FA) was enabled

              Data Integrations update

              • Improved
              • Avatar
                Ziga Potocnik
              • on 2020/11/09


              • LinkedIn Ads: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
                1. YouTube: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
                2. Active Campaign: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics

                Web app update

                • New Fixed Improved
                • Avatar
                • on 2020/10/29


                • X-Frame-Options header to disable Web app embedding (except the Public Shareable Databoard view)
                • A new "All data sources" option to browse by dropdown on the Metrics page


                • Hiding the chat widget for client users only


                • Fixing the layout of the 'Interval' Datablock visualization type
                • Fixing search result sorting in dropdowns
                • Prevent updating the plan while onboarding

                Data Integrations update

                • New Improved
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                  Ziga Potocnik
                • on 2020/10/26


                • Mailchimp: added four metrics Hard Bounces by Campaign, Soft Bounces by Campaign, Syntax Errors by Campaign & Number of Campaigns by Audience. View metrics


                    • Mailchimp: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
                    • Semrush: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
                    • Facebook Ads: Improved communication for Pixel's historical data availability. Learn more
                    • App Store Connect: Improved communication about connecting new accounts with 2FA enabled. Learn more

                    Web app update

                    • New Fixed
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                    • on 2020/10/23


                    • Option to Favorite Metrics from Datablocks (in the Designer)
                    • Improving the "Master Date range switcher" do show the common Date range on load (in case all Datablocks have the same Date range)
                    • Adding full markup support to the Text Datablock visualization type


                    • Fixing a bug in the "Desktop view" where Databoards were missing in the top navigation bar
                    • Show equation operators when searching on Data calculations page
                    • Data source icon missing after connecting a new Data source

                    Web app update

                    • Fixed
                    • Avatar
                    • on 2020/10/21
                    • A performance improvement on loading Goals, which could take long when having many goals. We will continue improving the performance of the platform and post updates to the changelog
                    • Fixing a bug when trying to downgrade to a free plan (deleted Databoards have been not updated
                    • Fixing a bug when trying to switch to a client account (for agency account with custom domains set up)

                    New feature: Two-Factor Authentication

                    • New
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                    • on 2020/10/19

                    We just released a new product feature that provides extra security to user accounts and is available for all users (any plan) for free.

                    What is 2-factor authentication?

                    2-factor authentication (2FA) is a quite standard extra level of security when logging into web apps. 2FA requires the user to provide a password along with a second factor of authentication. Databox supports 2 alternative authentication factors:

                    1. One-time code sent as a text message (SMS) or
                    2. One-time code generated with an Authenticator app (like Google Authenticator or Duo)

                    Both methods are equally secure. The SMS method has the authentication tied to the phone number, not the device. The Authenticator method is linked to the device.

                    Note: 2FA works as an extra layer for your username and password. It's not required when using other login methods like Google Sign-in or Single Sign-on (SSO). For those methods, users can enable 2FA in Google or Identity provider (SSO) itself.

                    2FA is available for all users on all plans, including free. It's the recommended security add-on for everyone.

                    To learn more on how to set up 2FA, we have a great article here.

                    Data Integrations update

                    • New Improved
                    • Avatar
                      Ziga Potocnik
                    • on 2020/10/12


                    • Google Analytics: Added Multi-Channel Funnel tab in Query Builder.
                      New metrics available (110): First Impression Value, Impression Assisted Conversions, Impression Assisted Value, Total Conversions, Total Conversions Value, Assisted Conversions, Assisted Conversions Value, First Interaction Conversions, First Interaction Value, Last Interaction Conversions, Last Interaction Value with the following dimensions: MCF Channel Grouping, Source, Medium, Source Medium, Campaign Name, Keyword, Conversion Goal Number, Conversion Type, Path Length, Time Lag. View metrics


                      • Google Analytics: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
                      • Google Ads: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
                      • Facebook Ads: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
                      • Facebook Pages: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
                      • Instagram Business: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
                      • Twitter: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
                      • LinkedIn Company Pages: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics

                      Web app update

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                      • on 2020/10/09


                      • New option to filter by data sources added to the "Data source connections" page


                      • Opening a helper window (to help you create a Datablock) after creating a Data calculation (same as for newly created Custom metrics)
                      • Redesigned "Full screen" icon on Embedded Databoards when “Powered by Databox” option is turned off


                      • Show only predefined Custom and Calculated metrics in the Data source connect window

                      Data Integrations update

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                        Ziga Potocnik
                      • on 2020/10/05


                      • LinkedIn Company Pages: Added new total metrics: Impressions, Clicks, Comments, Comment Mentions, Likes, Engagements, Shares, Share MentionsView metrics
                      • Ahrefs: Added new metrics: Positions, Positions Top 3, Positions Top 10, Traffic, Traffic Top 3, Traffic Top 10, Cost, Cost Top 3, Cost Top 10. View metrics

                      * All new metrics are available for Custom Date Range enabled data sources


                        • Ahrefs: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
                        • Ahrefs: Added Connect Note to better explain that an active API subscription is required to connect. Learn more
                        • Google Analytics: Improved communication for non-available properties created with Firebase. Learn more
                        • Google Analytics: Improved communication in Query Builder for Attributed metric dimensions. Learn more
                        • All Google integrations: Improved communication for "Invalid grant" error type

                        Web app update

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                        • on 2020/09/28


                        • New annotations popup with the option to add global annotations and the ability to specify the hour (optional). Such new "global annotations" will be seen for all metrics on charts that have the ability to display annotations (Line, Bar and Combo chart). For example, if you started a big campaign you want to add an annotation like this to be seen on all metrics, as a campaign will probably have an effect on multiple metrics.


                        • Displaying weekdays on the X-axis also for "Last 7 days" and "Last week" date ranges
                        • Reworked how data is loaded on Databoards on Shareable (Public) links


                        • Hiding the KB article URL for CDR-enabled sources when White-labeling is enabled
                        • A fix to embedding password protected Databoards that stopped working after browsers have changed their security rules. We deployed a fix, but it's possible that you will be asked to enter the password every time you load the browser tab.

                        Data Integrations update

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                          Ziga Potocnik
                        • on 2020/09/28


                        • LinkedIn Ads: Added new by Campaign Groups dimension for the following metrics: Impressions, Clicks, Conversions, Leads, Engagement, Social Actions, Spent, Avg. CTR, Avg. Engagement, Avg. CPC, Avg. CPM. View metrics
                        • Facebook Ads: Added one new metric Unique Outbound Clicks. View metric

                          * All new metrics are available for Custom Date Range enabled data sources


                        • Google My Business: Added support for Custom Date Ranges. View metrics
                        • Google Analytics: Improved the "previous" Comparison

                        Web app update

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                        • on 2020/09/21


                        • Option to add new users in the Databoard Share popup 


                        • Home screen improvements, new home intro popup, automatic setting Metrics as Favorites when onboarding
                        • Removed Data source name when choosing "Compare with another metric" option under Advanced settings
                        • Force redirect users to their custom domain on login


                        • Preventing users editing tags for not owned items 
                        • Fixing a bug when not showing all options in multi-selection dropdown after removing an item with (x)

                        Data Integrations update

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                          Ziga Potocnik
                        • on 2020/09/21


                        • Query Builder: Added the 'Invert metric' option to all QB forms. Learn more
                        • Facebook Ads: Added new Action Type metrics (29) in Query Builder: 
                          Post Comments, Post Saves, Adds Payment Info, Adds to Cart, Adds to Wishlist, Initiates Checkout, Purchases, Searches, Views Content, Page Photo Views, Post Shares, Post Reactions, 3-Second Video Views, Custom Conversions defined by the Advertiser, Onsite Conversion, Onsite Conversion Lead Grouped, Leadgen Grouped, Add Payment Info, Omni Add to Cart, Add to Wishlist, Omni Initiated Checkout, Omni Purchase, Omni Search, Omni View Content, Add to Cart, Initiate Checkout, Purchase, Search, View Content. View metrics

                          * All new metrics are available for Custom Date Range enabled data sources


                        • HubSpot Marketing: Improved communication for Super Admin permissions. Learn more
                        • HubSpot Marketing: Improved communication for Active Lists comparison. Learn more
                        • Instagram Business: Improved communication for User Roles. Learn more

                            Data Integrations update

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                              Ziga Potocnik
                            • on 2020/09/14


                            • Integromat: new integration. Learn more
                            • Google My Business: added two metrics Total Reviews & Average Rating. View metrics
                            • Facebook Ads: added three metrics Outbound Clicks, Registrations Completed & Cost per ThruPlay. View metrics
                            • Facebook Pages: added two metrics Post Engagement & Actions on Page. View metrics

                              * All new metrics are available for Custom Date Range enabled data sources


                            • HubSpot Marketing: added URL dimension for Blogs, Landing Pages, and Website Pages in Query Builder. Learn more

                            Web app update

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                            • on 2020/09/04


                            • Replacing 'Request new integration' and 'Request new metric' forms (to be integrated with roadmap.databox.com).


                            • Looped Databoards not centered in Share popup
                            • Fixing a bug where an incorrect Favicon was displayed on Shareable links in case White-labeling was turned on.

                            Data Integrations update

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                              AndrejX Žitnik
                            • on 2020/08/31



                            • Google Search Console: added support for custom date ranges. View metrics 
                            • Teamwork: added 5 new metrics and can be used without Query builder enabled. View metrics
                            • Jira: added 5 new metrics and can be used without Query builder enabled. View metrics
                            • iTunes Connect: integration renamed to App Store Connect


                            • Google Analytics: documented use case for "not-set" on Goal Completions by Campaign. Learn more

                            Web app update (5.2.20)

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                            • on 2020/08/28


                            • Support for hatched bars on 'Bar charts'
                            • Showing aggregated number of Data sources and Databoards (including Client account)


                            • Visual changes to the 'Progress bar' chart visualization (larger fonts, added days countdown)
                            • Option to filter Goals by data source
                            • Improved hiding of unsupported date ranges, granulations and compare options for users that are not logged in
                            • Updated 'Complimentary Kickoff Call' link


                            • Fixing a bug when duplicating a Data calculation
                            • Fixing Goal proportional values not updating
                            • Fixing emails when the account has white-labeling enabled

                            Web app update (5.2.18)

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                            • on 2020/08/21


                            • Option to restrict ability to view and explore additional Date Ranges for external (non-logged-in) viewers on Shareable links (can be found under Advditional settings in the Share Databoard popup) 
                            • Ability to change the granulation and cumulative directly on certain Datablocks (Line/Bar/Combo chart)


                            • X-axis for 'This Week' and 'Week to date' Date Ranges now shows days of week instead of numbers
                            • New loaders on Databoards / Datablocks
                            • Remove link under Embedded Databoards when White-labeling Add-on is turned on
                            • Show 'Company name' in default text in Connect Help popup when White-labeling Add-on is turned on
                            • Show 'Reset view' option on all Databoards with non-default Date Range settings
                            • Alignment of the compare drop-down in Alerts form


                            • Loading correct background color when previewing a Public Template Databoard
                            • Incorrectly showing selected attributes when switching Datablocks
                            • Y-axis auto-scale fix when having only one data point
                            • Databoard Desktop view filtering not working properly

                            Web app update (5.2.17)

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                            • on 2020/08/20


                            • New custom format option for the "Change format" under Advanced settings
                            • Support for inline editing of Custom metrics on the Query Builder page
                            • Showing dates on data annotations
                            • New White-labeling option to remove Google SSO from login page
                            • New White-labeling option to hide Template library for non-admins


                            • Improved loading UX on Datablocks/Databoards
                            • Adding Popular group to the Databoard master date range switcher
                            • Hide disabled date ranges for non-logged-in users (Shareable links)
                            • Show plan-limited date range options on Alerts


                            • Bug with saving settings for dimensional metrics on Pie Datablock
                            • Hiding help articles in Metric library when White-labeling is turned on
                            • Improving tv.databox.com page (zoom)
                            • Missing format floating label in Advanced settings popup
                            • Bug when setting a new client KPI with a default date range
                            • Skipping Unsubscribe link in Scorecard preview email
                            • Fix for hidden Databoard Branding "Powered by Databox" for white-labeled client accounts
                            • Fix for "From" name for emails sent from white-labeled client accounts
                            • Fix for data source error emails, when Email notifications are turned off 

                            Introducing Our New, Easier Way to Select and Change Date Ranges

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                            • on 2020/08/18

                            We’re obsessed with making it easy for companies to monitor, report and analyze their performance.

                            Today, you’ll notice a few improvements to the date range selection and exploration functionality in Databox.

                            Here’s what’s changed:

                            • You only need to pre-select one Date Range when building a new Datablock.
                            • You can select additional available Date Ranges when viewing a Databoard. No need to log back into the Designer to add a new Date Range!
                            • You’re no longer limited to only 6 Date Ranges per Datablock.
                            • Your Date Range selections are stored in the URL of your Databoard as you change them, allowing you to Share a Databoard with specific Date Ranges selected.
                            • Anyone viewing your Databoard can select any Date Range.

                            You’ll also notice some changes to the way the Date Range dropdown looks and functions:

                            1. It’s simpler: We’ve grouped similar types of Date Ranges into groups, including: Current, Previous and Popular.

                            2. It’s smarter: The Date Range selector only shows you available Date Ranges based on how much data we can retrieve from your Data Source and your Plan.